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Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips (Hapi, The Immaculate one, War Cleric)
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(09-10-2021, 04:41 PM)celina Wrote:
(08-16-2019, 03:51 AM)Jokero Wrote:
(08-16-2019, 12:22 AM)Demonslayerx8 Wrote: Daemon has no intentions of supporting MUA3 or FETH models sadly, I've already asked him twice, and that's why me and Ploaj decided to do research, he did all the coding work, I figured out the NUNO/NUNV structure, still need to figure out the RIGB data tho, as it's related to the physics...

Yeah me and Dimy figured out the format too and are now able to export models with working NUNO/NUNV physics by the intermediate of mesh drivers, just like yours. Semory's source code for the gas machne was a big help to get started but it was still super annoying. Unfortunately our tool only works on TH cause we were only focusing on this game and it doesn't support previous g1m versions cause there are too many and we don't want an universal tool.
The best course of action to have a tool handling everything would be to dive into Semory's source code, update it with the new format versions and then updating the gas machine but as of now we don't have time for that.

Our tool is some kind of a plugin of our private engine so we plan to make it standalone and release it to the public in the next weeks, so people would have a drag and drop tool for TH models just like the NT Tool to get what they want. I'm waiting for Kuro's permission to do so though, sent him a PM for that cause I know he works hard making these models available to the public and I don't want to spoil his work.

Weights and physics will have to be taken care of by the user in the 3D program, we just build the driver mesh and let the user figure out the best way to handle it, just like the NT Tool with the dissidia models.

EDIT: Oh good thing you're doing RIGB, had no clue what it was about. We're going to start diving into g2a which probably contain the animations, as I said this is the thing we're the most interested in.

I know that this was posted a long time ago, but I'll give it a try. Any updates on this tool you were describing? It sounds like it would be exactly what I need, and I'd love to be able to use it!

A LOT happened since this post actually, my friend who posted the message you quoted has been too busy irl these days to do any reverse engineering and I basically had to learn everything about REing myself near the end of 2019 instead of relying on him like I used to do, this post makes me a bit nostalgic actually heh

Anyways I made a Noesis plugin that supports Fire Emblem and a lot of other Koei games since then (basically all the ones using g1m as a format). You can find it here, it supports models, textures, rigging and animations :
Just put the dll in the Noesis plugin folder and you'll be able to load and export these g1m/g1t etc files . If you have issues post these on the xentax thread if possible, I very rarely check vg resource forums
Thanked by: celina

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips - by Jokero - 08-10-2019, 11:55 PM
RE: Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips - by Jokero - 08-11-2019, 12:47 PM
RE: Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips - by Jokero - 08-12-2019, 04:55 PM
RE: Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips - by Lyeco - 08-12-2019, 11:07 PM
RE: Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips - by Jokero - 08-14-2019, 11:16 AM
RE: Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips - by Jokero - 08-16-2019, 03:51 AM
RE: Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips - by celina - 09-10-2021, 04:41 PM
RE: Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Model Rips - by Joschka - 09-10-2021, 05:44 PM
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