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I need a download manager with the following specifications
OK, here you go. Pretty easy to use, first you make a text file that has the address to the directory on the first line, and the names of the files on all the following lines. So for example something like this:



(Empty lines are just ignored.)

Run the program via the command-prompt, passing this text file as the first argument and the name for an output directory as the second:

idolDownloader list.txt xsOut

Wait a while, and it'll say when it's done. The files will be downloaded into the specified directory with a number at the front of the filename, depending on the order in the text file.

By the way, I made this with a programming language that's relatively new to me, so be sure to say if you notice any weird stuff. Hopefully it should all go smoothly though!
You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down. -Mary Pickford
Thanked by: volo, TeridaxXD001

Messages In This Thread
RE: I need a download manager with the following specifications - by puggsoy - 01-17-2017, 09:01 AM

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