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Gardow's pixels of knights and dinosaurs - gif heavy
Been a while since I posted anything, so I guess I should show off my Super Shovel Knight updates.

[Image: the_order_of_no_quarter_by_gardow-d8sj3ec.png]
Same as it ever was. Yet new!

Plague Knight and Moleknight were redone from scratch, the rest are edits and palette fixes of my previous take on these guys. Then taking the input posted here by Gors, I decided to have another go at the Black Knight, and gave Shield Knight her own shiny idle animation as well.

[Image: shield_knight_by_gardow-d8t3yf5.gif][Image: shiny_rivals_by_gardow-d8sz6em.gif]
Shield & Shovel Co-op mode anyone?

Also decided to do new takes on some of my favourite enemies, namely the Goldarmor and the Hoverhaft, and give them small animations.

[Image: goldarmor_by_gardow-d8ro39z.gif]
Just look at'm go!

[Image: hoverhaft_by_gardow-d8rx6sh.gif]
He sure likes revving that propeller.

And then I threw some extra love Tinker Knight's way, with a little animation of him riding the mobile gear.

[Image: 403694ba7ea915eb403e8e3d0bd462f1-d8tgvkk.gif]
Conquering his inner spark mandrill syndrome.

At the end of it all, I decided I'd try and make a mock-up of arguably the most memorable sequence(s) in the game: Catching Shield Knight.

[Image: 286372e70f11ee25b2b439a0f5d805c1-d8tznyy.png]

Aside from the Goldarmors which I had already made, and the horn icon in the HUD, everything was made from scratch for this piece. Considering this is my first actual mock-up, I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.

I was working on a lot of pixel art after this, including other Super Shovel Knight mock-ups, when my laptop crashed. Being a fool, I had not made any backups of any of these WIPs yet, and had barely shown off anything for C&C even among trusted friends. A lot of pixel art I wanted to share was lost that day, which really had me demotivated for quite a while. And so for the longest time, this was the last pixel art I had made.

That was, until the great free Plague of Shadows DLC happened.
[Image: super_plague_knight_by_gardow-d9baght.gif]
Hee hee hee! My free DLC is better than the original campaign!

What can I say? I really loved this new expansion for Shovel Knight, so I just /had/ to sprite something. In the end I decided to replicate the animation of his cloak blowing in the wind, and as with Shovel Knight include all the armors/alt palettes. I personally found the green one to be the most useful/fun, bouncing off of walls just added even more joy to many a bomb burst. I don't exclude the possibility of maybe trying another mock-up, maybe I finally learned my lesson and will make back-ups this time around, right? ... Right?

And now, since I didn't know where to squeeze this on, here's Canon Knight, combining the blue bomber with the cerulean ...coward. Maybe quoting Black Knight wasn't the best idea here...
[Image: f26e5793bf55da1fd742477a04889832-d8r3x51.gif]
Poor guy must be deaf by now.

Won't really do anything with this, but I had fun making it nonetheless. And that's all I have to share for now, thanks for dropping by in my topic. Feel free to give C&C, I try not to have it go in vain and use the input to make each next piece better. Cheers!
Thanked by: BullockDS, Ton, WaterCat

Messages In This Thread
RE: Gardow's pixels of knights and dinosaurs - by Gardow - 09-29-2015, 08:34 AM

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