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tSR Compo Vol. 9: Enviromental Hazard
Pretty lonely in here. I'm not all that practiced with backgrounds, but I guess I'll drop my name into the hat.

[Image: gbhexagons.png] [Image: gbhexmockup.png] [Image: gbhexmockup2e.png]
^ Some kind of Game Boy... hexagon land?

Not sure why, but hexagons. I can't decide how far I want to go with this, so we'll call it a WIP.

EDIT: Ehhh, a simple interior is about all I could come up with for extras. That's what I get for spriting by the seat of my pants, I suppose. The second mockup displays the interior tiles, which are collected on the bottom of the sheet. Guess I'll call it done, considering how close it is to the deadline.

Messages In This Thread
RE: tSR Compo Vol. 9: Enviromental Hazard - by Nonnie Grey - 11-20-2012, 10:54 PM

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