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[Songtext] Whisper
Well, for this how wondering, why i open 2 threats:
this is, because there 2 different songtexts...

the story behind this one is:
I was on my vacation and there come such a (well, we all know this hot girls) really hot babe down on the other side of the road...

and my "evil" part of my brain thinking: you really, really want her!"

the song is a wordduel from the "Good" part in our brains and the "evil" voice in our ear we all know, when we want something...

and this was the story behind this song i wrote
hope I become some good critism

~ Whisper ~

Intro Do you know this voice of a man in your ear?
Always want to buy your soul?
Have you a pitch-black heart to hear what this voice want?

Strophe 1 (Voice) Do you want money?
Have you seen this bag up ahead?
Steal the money from it!
Steal it! Di it! You want it... HEHEHE
(Mind) No! I don't hear you!
Devil in my ear, I'm not a thief!
Stop whispering bad things in my mind!

Refrain Never heard this voice in your ear?
Never heard this voice in your mind?
When it whispers to you:
Do it! DO IT!!! Sell me your soul! DO IT!!!

Strophe 2 (Voice) Have you seen this child?
He has a lolli!
Steal it! Do It! You want it... HEHEHE
(Mind) No! I don't hear you!
Devil in my ear, I don't besteal a child!
Stop whispering bad things in my mind!

Refrain ~

Strophe 3 (Voice) Do you want money?
Buy yourself whatever you want?
Up on the road is a bank!
Robbing it! Do It! You want it... HEHEHE
(Mind) No! I don't hear you!
Devil in my ear, I don't robbing a bank!
Stop whispering evil things in my mind!

Refrain ~
> Gitarrensolo
Refrain ~

Strophe 4 (Voice) Do you want a girl?
Up ahead on the park is one!
Rape her! She want it!
Do it! DO IT! You want it... HEHEHE
(Mind) No! I don't hear you!
Devil in my ear, I never raping a woman!
Stop whispering bad evil things in my mind!

Refrain ~

Strophe 5 (Judge) Now you have seen what happend!
Evil und cruel is your heart!
Forever and ever I you come to the jail!
Only come free when you rule the hell!
(Mind) No! I don't want to go to the prison!
I'm not a bad human! Please! Let me free!
> Breakdown (Bridge)
Refrain ~
> Gitarrensolo (Bridge)

Outro You don't have a pitch-black heart!
Prising god! It was only a nightmare!
But never, never heard again this voice in your mind!

> Gitarren-Outro
Love this spritesite so much that i joined tsr!Cool
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Messages In This Thread
[Songtext] Whisper - by eddieweppler - 05-13-2009, 03:40 PM

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