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Submit models with animations
Hello people,
I'm working on some models to submit to the site, but i'm having a couple doubts, and I'd like your opinion.
So, I'm extracting the models from "Alice Madness Returns" using Umodel in .gltf format, which contains some animations. I think it'd be nice to include said animations in the submissions, but I'm not really sure under which format, and how, I should export those models so that they both contain animations and are suitable for submission? I'm working with blender, and I must say that I only have very limited knowledge of animations in general and when it's related to various file formats in particular. So, I tried to export in .fbx and .dae but I only managed to include one single animation in the models (and even then, in dae the models sometimes end up incredibly distorted for reasons i cannot comprehend). So, to summarize, is there a smart way to include the animation in the submitted models?
Second, I have some models which are included under two forms in the game files : A complete form of the model, on one side, and in separate pieces, on the other side (like, a teapot, complete in one file and various files that only contain the spout, lid, handle etc). Should I include both in my submission for exhaustivity reasons, or should i just stick with the complete form (or a single model assembling all separate pieces so that people interested could just keep the one they are interested in)?
Thanks in advance for your advice!
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Messages In This Thread
Submit models with animations - by Kino-san - 02-18-2023, 05:51 PM
RE: Submit models with animations - by Kino-san - 02-20-2023, 05:32 PM
RE: Submit models with animations - by scurest - 02-21-2023, 02:08 AM

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