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Officially calling it quits!!!
Given recent events and one certain "Admin", I'm literally fed up with submitting content, just to have a majority of it "rejected" ever since said "Admin"  has become an admin, add to the fact that this one Admin seems too has forced away another member who was trying to help, and now... My content wasn't being approved, because it wasn't rigged.

For the below, I am being thoroughly sarcastic, and trying to prove a point... Don't delete nothin, 
I'd also like to ask ANY "Admin" to delete the following submitted content that shouldn't have been approved, due to no rigging, even though rigiing was possible, because for the many years of submissions, not one complaint until, THAT "ADMIN" (this could take a fuckin while....)

We'll start at the top of the list, Mobile models: 

Batman: 1970, Batman: Animated, Batman: Arkham City, Batman: Beyond, Batman: Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Earth One, Batman: Incorporated, Batman: Year One, Deathstroke: Arkham City, Harley Quinn: Arkham City, Joker, Arkham City, Kano: Arkham City, Poison Ivy: Arkham City, Robin: Arkham City...

Well, you know what might be quicker: Delete every model I've submitted to the "Mobile" category, cause all of those mother fuckers are WRONG!!!. On to PC mother fuckers!!!

Well, what do you fuckin know... Might be quicker to just delete them all... Next category, "PS2"... Come on over you cockless fucks!!!

  • Resident Evil: Outbreak File 1
    Arnold, Billy, Dustin, Dustin (Helmet), Fred, Jean, Karl, Matt, Police Officer, Tony, U.S.S Zombie (A), U.S.S Zombie (B), U.S.S Zombie ©
These ones CAN stay, given that rigging is not available; Wii, fuckin Wii...

Delete em, DELETE EM ALL! XBOX 360,
  • Aliens Colonial Marines, CHECK;
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum, CHECK;
  • Batman: Arkham Origins, CHECK;
  • Borderlands 2, CHECK;
  • Final Fantasy XIII, CHECK;
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2, whatcha know, CHECK;
  • Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns, *coughs* CHECK;
  • Gears Of War 1: CHECK;
  • Gears Of War 2: Fuckin CHECK;
  • Gears 3, Mmmmmm CHECK;
  • Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ummm, if the mobile version has rigging, well I'm sure the console version does too... CHECK!
  • Mass Effect 3: Fuckin' CHECK MOTHER FUCKER!

Okay... So every XBOX 360 model can go...

Now, you see how I've been submitting to tMR this way for years shitbreak, and just cause you have some shitty little fuckin title under your name, don't mean I'm gonna start doing it YOUR way. As fuckin' far as I'm concerned, I met the requirements for a successful submission... JUST LIKE EVERY ONE OF THE OTHERS YOU DECLINED!!! Not once had I got a rejected submission for 

  • Manually bonded submeshes destroyed the material texture assignment to various submeshes. This, in turn, can cause rendering issues, and the submeshes need to be un-bonded.
So I hope you're thoroughly fucking happy, because you are the one "admin" I've ever known to make 2 users leave this fuckin site... Kudos, on setting this website back 10 steps.
Thanked by:

Messages In This Thread
Officially calling it quits!!! - by Ecelon - 06-04-2017, 07:42 AM
RE: Officially calling it quits!!! - by Pingus! - 06-04-2017, 03:39 PM
RE: Officially calling it quits!!! - by Gors - 06-05-2017, 07:41 AM
RE: Officially calling it quits!!! - by Kosheh - 06-05-2017, 12:10 PM

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