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5 of the most underrating platform videogames
This 5 platforms games that haven't been properly received, they have played very few and that the other people didn't call attention to them and rejected without reason. They may not be excellent graphics but have a pretty good gameplay, and if you play one of these games, you'll see they are not as bad as people say. They are the purest example of the ignorance of all.

[Image: top_5_for_the_most_underrating_platform_...9y92l3.png]

1: Vanellope Sweet Adventures:
2: Slimy Inferno:
3: Andrux Adventure:
4: Orion (Tanner):
5: Cubix (Ofihombre):

P.D Is for the Windows
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5 of the most underrating platform videogames - by ofihombre7 - 09-03-2016, 03:35 AM

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