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pushing people in fighting games
i dont really understand why you can push your opponants and allys in fighting games . i mean i kinda get it during the fight but  when you are trying to get past your  ally to attack it can be annoying  especially if  your ally  runs right at you blocking you by accident  and moves you back (like in  medabots g and ax).

but this pushing your opponant around part gets  really annoying  in side scrolling beat em ups. not all of them mind you just ones that dont use hp and have you  collect crap to win instead. i of course  refer to digimon battle spirets  2  as you cant just beat the living crap out of your opponant. you have to force him to eject blue balls instead and collect more then the red balls hes collecting out of you and pick up crystals to use your super attack. it gets mading  when you cant pass through him when he is knocked down as if you forget  you cant you push hm into the  stuff your trying to get  keeping you from getting it. and you dont stay knocked down long in that game no  they are right back up  quik to punnish you for the mistake. so ya wtf
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Messages In This Thread
pushing people in fighting games - by trans the psycopath - 09-26-2014, 10:30 PM
RE: pushing people in fighting games - by Kosheh - 09-27-2014, 09:49 AM

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