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Please read! Easy request for great potential project
Hey guys, I have a secret project I'm working on and I really need just a few simple sprites reformated for RPG Maker VX to get it off the ground.

Just need an easy sprite resizing

It's a project with a lot of potential and I've been working on the story for years. It's not just fanfiction but directly inspired mythos in it's own way.

Anyway, if I could just get a few sprites for now, I could get started. Please help me because I'm making it for all you guys! I've been busy writing books and I want to get back into making games.

Sprites ripped from LEGACY OF GOKU 2(resized to fit rpg maker vx)


That's all I need to get started; a very easy request. Please give me a hand. Thank you for your time.

Thanked by: LeleleleMAXIMUM

Messages In This Thread
Please read! Easy request for great potential project - by 727 - 05-19-2012, 03:29 PM

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