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Galaxy ball! / Game universes crossover
Galaxy Ball
Chp2: The draft

Someone approaches Fortred, whispering something in his ear. It seems to be something essential, which causes the man to shake his head multiple times. He clears his throat while putting the microphone up to his lips.

“All ladies within this dome can ignore what I am about to say, as there is only one role you can take part in. As far as the gentle men, the position that you currently stand in will not positively be the position you will play. Tryouts for each position will take place within training camp, after you have been selected to a team.” Fortred tells.

Everyone listens in silence as he continues to give them information.

“Before the draft begins, we would like to take about an hour to thirty minutes to see you all take part in some exercises. This way, it will give our team owners a better understanding of each and everyone’s physical endurance. That way they will have a less hard time choosing.”

The females are kept within the dome, as Fortred starts them up with running laps from the 10 yard line to the 30. He has them spread out on both sides of the field. Outside the premises, the males are escorted onto an enormous meadow. Once the group is put into different lines, a football is placed on the ground in front of each person who stands at the front of each line.

“I want you all to listen exceptionally vigilantly; the first exercise we will be performing is to see just how far each of you can throw a football. We will also be looking at your posture and style, so please do put forth effort. I don’t want any of you throwing a ball until your name is called, we will begin shortly.”

As he continues to speak, another group of men get the names of each person in the lines. It doesn’t take much longer as the event begins. A large machine is set on the field, which will record how far the ball goes by hitting the land on impact. Getting through the first Thirty Eight guys, the furthest thrown ball was for just twenty five yards. Fortred’s sport staff shakes their heads dissatisfied.

“We better start seeing something superior to this! Fortred’s entire plan could prove to fail.”

He looks down onto his sheet of paper calling up the next person.

“Up next is Link, from the Ordon village.”

The Hylian steps forward stretching his arms, before bending down and picking up the ball. He focuses in, practicing the motions of throwing the ball before he actually does. Taking a few steps back, Link finally steps up releasing the ball! It is a huge moment of silence with the ball gliding into the air with a perfect spiral. Link’s heart rate increases as he watches the ball continue down its path. The ball finally hits the ground way up field! The sport staff members all look up at the score board immediately, along with the many standing in line. Link’s eyes widen to see his score flashing on the board; he threw for Sixty Seven yards!

One of the staff member’s throws his clipboard to the ground.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!! I want you all to give it up for Link!”

Most everyone applauds the Hylian, who just smiles astonished at what he had just done. The man recovers his materials from the ground as they continue on.

“Next up we have Vector the Croc.”

This individual throws for just Twenty seven yards. The day progresses on as many others show off their throwing skills. Link’s throwing distance is finally surpassed, as Donkey Kong throws for 78 yards! Many others show good potential at the position of quarter back. After some time, the sport staff members begin moving people into different groups. Using their stats and information from the exercise, they keep only sixteen participants out of the large group who showed the best potential. The sixteen of them stay within the quarter backing practice session. A group is created for every offensive and defensive position. If someone doesn’t do well in a group, they are sent to another.

“Well, you must be the lucky sixteen!” The guy says laughing.

He looks over the papers on his clip board, looking over the group of participant’s information.

“I’d say by the looks of it, all sixteen of you have secured your spot at the quarter backing position. Each of you threw for at least forty yards or more, with good balance and technique. You guy’s did much better than most everyone else. Remember that your spot can still change in training camp, but if you all are consistent and perform like you did today, you will be just fine.”

The group is then given some time to introduce, themselves amongst each other. Some of them do not require doing that with everyone, given the fact they have already met.

Mario walks over shaking hands with Sonic, remembering him from the smash brothers brawl tournament a decent period ago. The two of them are approached by Ratchet, who introduces himself. Luigi joins his brother’s side.

“This should be extremely interesting Mario, I had no initiative we would end up on separate teams. Regardless of that, it will be enjoyable if I have the fortune of playing against you.” Luigi says.

Sonic places a hand with on the back of Luigi.

“Don’t worry pal, I’m sure this entire occurrence will turn out to be a grand experience.” Sonic replies.

Captain Falcon starts a conversation with Jak and Link. It is not too much longer before; the group is given some more exercise to do. Throughout the elongated spacious pasture, the different groups continue to work intensely. As time goes by an hour turns into three hours! All groups are then finally taken back into the dome. This time each person is directed to which area they will sit within. Fortred re enters shortly after everyone has settled in to their position.

“Now that we have seen you all in some form of exercise, the draft is ready to begin. We will start with first round picks.” Fortred tells.

The majority of the mass applauds Fortred as he leaves the stage. The team owners look over the information of all the participants. The dome is enormously soundless. Hec looks up from the papers, making a resolution.

“For my primary pick, I select Knuckles the Echidna at the running back position.”

Knuckles is beyond shocked to hear his name being announced first! A good portion of the participants cheer for him, before going silent again. Wiley is the next to make a choice.

“For my first round pick, I choose King Dedede at the Linebacker position.”

This process continues for an extensive period of time, as each of the franchise owners continue to select players to their teams. This leaves some of the participants displeased, given the fact they are being separated from friends or family. It takes another few hours before this entire process is complete. Something that is clear for some of the teams, is that they are short a few players. Fortred steps back onto the podium.

“I’m sure you are all blissful that is over, now the fun itself will begin in another few days. I understand that a few teams are short players, but that will be fixed within training camp. To end this day off, I would like all team captains to come up here on the stage.”

The individuals do as they are told, and are directed over to their franchise owner where they will come up with their team name and location of the squad stadium. Everyone else just sits around waiting, as theses preparations are taken care of. The team names and locations are quickly selected. Fortred steps forward informing the rest of the participants of the updated information.

“We will give you all a little bit of time to say your good byes to family and friends, as you will be returning to the planet of where your team stadium will be built.” Fortred tells.

The participants take the time to do just that. Coco bandicoot, spots Crunch within the area of the running backs walking over to him. Crunch turns just in time to see her approaching.

“I just came over to wish you a safe voyage, as you should already know Crash and I will be together.” Coco tells.

“I’ll be just fine; I still find it hard to believe Crash made it at the Quarterback position.” Crunch replies with a laugh.

Coco thinks about it for a few moments, before laughing as well. Mario walks threw the mammoth multitude over to princess Peach who sits beside Daisy. He takes a seat next to them both putting an arm around peach.

“Too bad neither of you will be cheering on my team. Oh well, I’m willing to bet this whole thing will be fun.”

Peach can hear the disappointment in his voice, turning to him with a smile. She leans over kissing him on the cheek. This causes him to blush, Peach notices this and giggles.

“Don’t worry Mario; it will be just for a little while. After all this is over things will go back to being how they were.” Peach tells.

The plumber talks with the two of them, before they depart ways. It is not too much longer before all participants are gathered up, and put onto separate space shuttles which will take them to the appropriate destination. The space ships take off into deep space. Within a shuttle, Jet the hawk sits next to Captain Qwark.

“I understand that you are going to be the quarterback of this team, with that said you better be a darn proficient one. I only agreed to join this thing to help out these people, and to win. So when it comes game day, don’t go out and throw the game away for us.” Captain Qwark tells.

Jet’s eyes open, as he looks over at this individual.

“I don’t believe we’ve met, and already you are trying to tell me what to do. I’m someone who is all about competition, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Jet turns away from him, closing his eyes again.

Planet Ireigiel

Phelm the offensive coordinator of the Flame Wolves enters a room sitting down. He is awaited by a group of persons. Cosbo sits at the other end of the table.

“Congratulations on your win over the shreds, a few days ago. I would expect that Fortred’s council will be sending payment soon. But that is not the reason I called you all here tonight. We have some what of a problem.” Cosbo tells.

He directs his assistant Elisa over to his desk. She returns throwing a few folders onto the table tops. Cosbo opens one of them, and has his assistant pass out the papers which are inside. She does this fairly quickly.

“As you all can see we are loosing viewers to our sports station. But it should be an easy problem to fix. I’m sure this is because of the slaughterer crows, Flame Wolves, ogres, blizzards, and clash Predators. They are the only teams as of late winning championships; viewers must be getting tired of it.”

Cosbo discusses with his staff on a way to resolve the quandary. A great distance away, a ship lands within the enormous city of Corneria. After all the passengers exit the ship, it takes off back into space. Falco Lombardi, being the only one accustomed with the conurbation leads everyone to the closes hotel. All check into the hotel except one. Tiny Tiger didn’t carry any money with him, leaving only one choice. Falco decides to take the big cat home with him. Pulling a contrivance out of his pocket, he uses it to call out the sky claw to his position. Falco turns to Tiny as the vehicle drifts down to the ground in front of them.

“Lets just get one thing straight; when we get back to my place I don’t want you touching anything. Hopefully we are clear on that.” Falco tells.

Tiny pats Falco over the shoulder while smiling showing his prickly teeth.

“No need to worry, I Tiny won’t touch a thing.”

Falco looks down at him with a frown, making it apparent that he is stern. Both beings hop into the vehicle, as Falco takes off into the night sky. The two of them arrive at his place promptly. Getting out of the vehicle Tiny looks around, and is impressed with what appears to be Falco’s weapon’s arsenal! There are missile launchers, blasters, many different types of grenades and weaponry! Falco opens a door, which leads them into the central section of his residence. Tiny is again enlightened by the way things are set up in this space.

“Wow who is she, Tiny is in love.” Tiny tiger asks, looking up at a picture while drooling.

Falco looks over at the picture, smiling under his beak after seeing who it is.

“Her name is Katt; I guess you could say she is somewhat a friend of mine.” Falco replies.

“Maybe you should call her, and see if she will join our cheerleading squad! Please, that would be a real treat?!” Tiny asks.

Falco attempts to say something, but stops. Thinking about what Tiny just said, he comes to a realization that it isn’t such a bad idea.

“I think we might do that, but for tonight we should just get some rest.” Falco replies.

Tiny follows Falco into his massive living room, which has a lot of furniture and a long black leather coach. Tiny leaps onto the coach sitting in front of a big screen T.V. Using the nearby remote, he turns it on.

“If you need anything Tiny just let me know, I’m going to be working on something upstairs.”

The big cat just nods as a form of response. Turning on a light, Falco walks up the stairs. Significantly far away a ship lands on the field of Hyrule, just outside Ordon village. The passengers exit, as the shuttle returns to Quifeza afterward. Link explains to everyone who is not familiar with his village, on how things work. After doing so, most of the participants decide to set up camp exterior of his village. The Hylian looks over at Zelda, who stands next to Peach.

“You should probably try and cover your features a little bit, if any of the villagers knew that the princess of their kingdom was here in this village, it could become chaotic.” Link tells.

Zelda smiles while wrapping a scarf around her head, over her hair.

“Luckily this will just be for a night; I’m going to take Princess Peach back with me to the castle tomorrow. Did they say exactly where the stadium would be built? It’s not really that important, it’s just so I can inform the kingdom choice makers it was my decision.” Zelda asks.

“I just told them it will be built on Hyrule field, about two miles from the city.” Link replies.

Everyone camps outside of Ordon village, except for Link, Peach, and Zelda. Out of the whole group, Banjo and King Boo don’t mind. Not trying to alert any of the villagers, Link directly leads both women up into his tree house. Zelda looks around, only to see one bed. She looks over at Link, placing both hands on her waist.

“Not to be rude or anything, but you only have one bed?! How is this going to work?” Zelda asks.

Link looks over at what appears to be a moody Zelda.

“Don’t concern yourself; the two of you will be sleeping in the bed while I take the ground.” Link tells.

Zelda takes off the scarf, and Link can see the relief within her face.

“Thank goodness, I thought you were going to say something else.” Zelda replies.

Peach giggles getting the attention of them both.

“What is so funny?” Zelda asks.

“It’s not really anything, but looking at the two of you talking back and forth I could see you as a married couple.” Peach tells, giggling again.

Link smiles while Zelda frowns.

“That would never happen; I am a princess of high class. My bride to be will be of a royal family.” Zelda tells.

Link’s heart drops at her words, not that he wanted to be with her or anything. Trying to escape the situation, Link decides to go get them all something to eat leaving the tree house. Peach turns to Zelda.

“I think you may have hurt his feelings, personally I think he is really cute.” Peach tells.

Zelda takes a seat on the bed, laying back.

“You shouldn’t worry, I’m sure he is fine.” Zelda tells.

Within subterranean space, Fortred’s inhabitants continue to search for participants to fill up the spots they are short. The group is very successful in their mission, coming across many individuals. They come across Princess Rosalina, giving her the opportunity of joining a team as the leading cheerleader due to her gorgeousness. She is updated on why the event is accruing, and is given the option of joining a team. Looking down on the paper, she recognizes a familiar name smiling! She decides to join that team, taking part in the affair.

To Be Continue
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RE: Galaxy ball! / Game universes crossover - by Raphaeltmnt - 02-12-2009, 06:41 PM

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