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A question of sorts regarding requests
That's why you simply ignore the nonsensical requests. Not all requests need to be honored, plain and simple. Intelligent adults are able to sort through the good and the bad and choose what to respond to. Some things just don't need a response. I've seen many request boards, and yeah; they're filled with crap typically. However there are legit requests for team members and such.

I'm not so much talking about requests for "sprite a" or "sprite b" though; more so about getting people involved in a project. Adding spriters to a team, etc. There are a lot of mobile phone development companies (VivaLaMobile for instance) that use forums like this to bring in staff. I know this because when they decided to develop my project "Helix", they went through boards like Pixelation to find someone qualified, and offered them a job. Typically they would make a request for a sprite, and if someone could design it the way they wanted it, they would hire them. While that's not always the case, the fact remains that it does happen, and it's a shame to remove that element from a board with talented artists (especially considering the pay graphic artists make in comparison to the programmers typically).

I apologize for the misunderstanding; I was not saying you are ignorant; I was stating that instead of answering the question in a respectful manor, you decided to bring in personal elements that did not need to be made part of the discussion. You yourself are very well versed and intelligent, so I'm sorry it came off that way; I'm just rather picky about getting responses that jumble things that pertain to the thread and things that really have no place for it.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: A question of sorts regarding requests - by Mamoruanime - 02-01-2009, 05:05 AM

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