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I wish to come back, if you'll have me!
Hello, Kold-Virus aka Tabuu here! How's everybody doing? I've had a so-so few months.

After taking these few months off, I want to come back! I miss this forum. The reason I'd left, if you recall, is that I'd been feeling so absolutely miserable about past decisions I'd made that I could barely function. Especially mentally! Depression was hitting record levels. So much that I had to go see my GP and ask for help.

I was also kicked out of a f__king Zelda discord just for making a Mario drawing with his feet in LAVA in it. In their off-topic art channel. Anyone see the Flash film "Mario Brothers" by Alxlen? That's what got me in hot water there. I began to think everybody hated me. Why? Because Mario ends the video game-over'ing himself.

But lately things have changed: My doctor gave me a rise in my meds, and I feel way better now. But most importantly I'm preparing a big career change. In December 2021, my favourite performer and massive idol died from COVID-19: Carlos Marin of Il Divo. This cemented my passion for music and it made me want to pursue that rather than indie game development. I want to make myself, and him, proud, and I want to create stuff that makes people happy instead of obsessing over my own imperfections.

I wish to become an opera singer! And do opera/pop-crossover too!

So with that? Expect changes in my attitude, as well as my profile and username (As soon as I decide on one), soon enough. I hope the community will still accept me going forward!

Talk to you later!
I'm an opera-crossover singer undergoing classical voice training and I'm also making Super Smash Bros. Feud.

Discord: kold_virus
Thanked by: Ton, Aafyre

Messages In This Thread
I wish to come back, if you'll have me! - by Kold-Virus - 02-24-2022, 03:35 PM

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