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Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II (Retranslation)!
Alright, so here's some party chat! From here on, I'll be releasing these a day or two after the main updates, as they're being updated. Will also upload them as videos, but, there's no need for you to go that far, I'm thinking... Anyway, characters have different dialogue inside their rooms than they do in the living room. I will be captioning BOTH instances of their dialogue, as needed!

...Also note that THIS is where the game tells you that this is where the thief is... Not Simafort itself :cripes: ...

PARTY CHAT (Sanamo & Granny join you):

[Image: 29-Bosch.PNG] Bosch: You owe me for this, Ryu... Whatever that old biddy's hawking better be worth giving away my room!

[Image: 32-Rand.PNG] Rand: Remodeling? Fusion? I dunno from nothin' about those things... You might wanna leave this one to a professional carpenter...

[Image: 35-Katt.PNG] Lin: A pretty face with a sexy pair of legs shows up and you forget all about us. Some friend you are!

[Image: 38-Nina.PNG] Nina: Hmm? You don't look quite as baby-faced as you did the last time I saw you...

[Image: 44-Sten.PNG] Sten (in the lobby): So, now you too know the joys and perils of dealing with the feminine persuasion... Isn't it fantastic?

[Image: 44-Sten.PNG] Sten (in his room): Master, I've been watching you for a while now, and I've been wondering something... Not that I'm prying, but I'm dying to know... Who's more your type? Lin, or Nina? [choice doesn't matter] Ah, I see... I suspected as much... Oho, you sly devil, you!...

PARTY CHAT (Granny's lab is built):

[Image: 29-Bosch.PNG] Bosch: [Same as the last time]

[Image: 32-Rand.PNG] Rand: You must have done the carpenter a good turn or two for him to go to this much trouble! This place is like a palace!

[Image: 35-Katt.PNG] Lin (in the lobby): Hey, Ryu! Our little village is getting bigger and bigger! Maybe one day it'll be a major megalopolis! ...Did I really just say that?

[Image: 35-Katt.PNG] Lin (in her room): Can I come with you this time? Can I? Can I? Can I?

[Image: 38-Nina.PNG] Nina: If this town get's big enough, everybody in the world's gonna know about it. Maybe even your dad might come here?...

[Image: 44-Sten.PNG] Sten: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about this 'fusion' business... But if it means I get to be combined with a cute chick like Sanamo, I think I'll take the risks!

[Image: 41-Tapeta.PNG] Tapeta (in the lobby): Your town, it is tres bien! Is it possible that it might rival my own palace?

[Image: 41-Tapeta.PNG] Tapeta (in his room): Are you leaving me behind? Oh, non, non, non! If I do not accompany you, you cannot cross the many rivers and lakes in your path! Take me with you, si'l vous plait!

PARTY CHAT (Tapeta is arrested):

[Image: 29-Bosch.PNG] Bosch: You say there's a thief holed up in the frog palace? That's gotta be the thief who framed me! I knew you'd pull it off, partner!

[Image: 32-Rand.PNG] Rand: That Petape girl pisses the hell outta me! Where does she get off, ordering us around like that? ...Tapeta I don't mind so much, but doesn't he strike you as a bit...goofy?

[Image: 35-Katt.PNG] Lin (in the lobby): Such a cold, damp place this castle is... Even the upper floors make me think of a dungeon... I can't wait to find that thief and get out of here!
[Context error; She's in Township when she says this]

[Image: 35-Katt.PNG] Lin (in her room): That Tapeta guy freaks me out with the way he talks... Where the heck does all that 'merci' and 'si'l vous plait' moonspeak come from?

[Image: 38-Nina.PNG] Nina: Being royalty is often more curse than blessing...even pretenders to the throne are a common occurrence.

[Image: 44-Sten.PNG] Sten (in the lobby): From my experience, there are two kinds of princess in this world... The elegant, refined type, like our own Nina...and the boisterous, self-centered variety, like that Petape character.

[Image: 44-Sten.PNG] Sten (in his room): Something smells about this 'Prince', and I doubt it's the worms on his breath...

PARTY CHAT (Nympho Fetch Quest):

[Image: 29-Bosch.PNG] Bosch: [Same as the last time]

[Image: 32-Rand.PNG] Rand: Tapeta must've been really crazy over that witch to give her the Royal me the creeps, frankly...

[Image: 35-Katt.PNG] Lin: I don't see how any normal person could go head-over-heels over a sicko like that witch Nympho... I guess that says something about Tapeta, doesn't it?

[Image: 38-Nina.PNG] Nina: Sometimes I see the makings of a true leader in Tapeta... But I suppose it's just my imagination.

[Image: 44-Sten.PNG] Sten: It's not strange at all to want to give everything you have to the woman you love. Believe me, I know...
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RE: Walkthrough the Fire & Flames, with Breath of Fire II (Retranslation)! - by Fionordequester - 01-03-2021, 08:30 PM

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