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early (pre wolfenstein) Id software/apogee sounds wanted!
(11-11-2020, 09:07 PM)TheVG Harvester Wrote: When you say "old ID software" the kids arround here don't know what this means...

Id software was the company who made wolfenstein3d, doom and quake, considered a holy trinity for the first person shooter. they made a number of games prior to those, especially Commander Keen, a game series that proved it was indeed possible to make mario style platformers on the old and rusty IBM PC cerca 1988.
update: less than 10 minutes after posting the original request, long running sr user Luke Warnut mannaged to get most of the Commander Keen games ripped, missing only episodes 2, 3, and Keen dreams (known also as the lost episode due to being pubblished by Softdesk as part of Id's contract with them rather than the normal pubblisher Apogee). Id was also responsible for "dangerous dave in coppyright infringement", a tec demo for a proposed dos port of SUper Mario bros. 3, which Nintendo refused to pubblished (despite the fact they were impressed) reasoning, and I paraphrase, "mario games only belong on nintendo systems" (obviously they forgot about their history with both atari and coleco over home ports of the donkey kong games and Mario bros, to say nothing of the nintendo/hudson deal that saw a number of black box era nes titles ported to Japanese Pcs). Id didn't want their skills to go to waist, which was one of the reasons Commander Keen exists. at the same Time, Id's staff (particularly John Karmack himself) wanted to leave softdisc and become independent, but because they Borrowed computers from the in-house staff, Softdisc threttened to sue if such a departure occured. a compromise was reached whereby They could still be independent under the condission they make at least One game for Softdisc each year (this lasted until 1993). the games developed under contract for softdisc were internally treated as B projects and would serve as appatisers to (usually apogee pubblished) main course.
Part of the reason I made this request was actually response to a "took you long enough!" moment when someone finally submitted sound effects from the atari2600 (specificly that system's infamous pac-man port). the 2600 is arguably the granddaddy of all game consoles and actually predates Id software by a whide margen (it also predates softdisc).
"coins detected in pocket."
-evil oddo, berzerk, arcade version, attract mode, 1980
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RE: early (pre wolfenstein) Id software/apogee sounds wanted! - by pacmaniac - 11-11-2020, 11:07 PM

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