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Karate Kid / Cobra Kai Nintendo, NES sprites
Lol yep, it was just a graphics edit. We did everything we could with it though. I thought it would be funny to make the in game text more adult and put beer bottles in there somewhere since Johnny is drinking beer all the time in Cobra Kai. Somehow dave was able to rearrange some of the levels. There were just so many restrictions on that game so it was hard to do much with it with only graphics and text edits. A lot of characters shared sprites.

Well maybe I can help with the sprites. I just need a break though. I just did the sprite work for 6 games any I think I'm starting to get gamers wrist lol
Thanked by: sturm30

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RE: Karate Kid / Cobra Kai Nintendo, NES sprites - by sil3nt j - 04-06-2020, 08:18 AM

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