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Ripping new champions from League of Legends
Thank you for your reply.

I opend Obsidian, but i must be able to extract .skl/.skn files from the .WAD client right?
How is that progress? I can only extract non extension files...

Quote Bleedgal:
"Extract the wad files with wooxy
go to obsidian link and download it (clone or download button)
then open the app and put in the wad files...
then itll give you bin files. then you extract the bin files"

I don't understand the part of that I should get .bin files?? Because i don't....
And I also thought i should open the .wad file with "visual studios" but how does that progress works?

Can you please give a more detailed solution on how to eventually have the .skn/.skl files extracted?
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Ripping new champions from League of Legends - by WollieWoltaz - 10-17-2017, 07:28 AM

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