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Will Overwatch ever get new male heroes?
You also can't forget that it's all about the creator's artistic vision. It's their work so what characters they want are what characters will be made. Things don't need to be 100% perfectly balanced every time.

Games like Shantae have a mostly female cast and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, Wayforward in general loves women characters in their games, but they're always developed and interesting. On the other hand, Final Fantasy 15 had an almost all male cast, which greatly improved the bro road trip vibe they were going for. If they had say, changed Prompto to a woman willy nilly, it would've ruined the narrative.

Demanding that they change their work just to satisfy you isn't exactly fair to the artist's work.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Will Overwatch ever get new male heroes? - by Cloud6625 - 01-31-2017, 08:08 AM

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