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Adventure™ (a Mario & Sonic thing)

Description copy-paste
Quote:No logic is not suppose to be strong.
I created the audio source for this nearly a decade ago... heh, now ain't that something? And yes, I've got the history of it right below!

Back in the day my brother and I use to make (and every so often still create mini) audio tracks we like to call "Adventures", and these would be shared just between us two because we never had any friends that were into such things, and we weren't exactly on the internet back then either (even if so, just posting the audio alone would have been just... strange to strangers). You may think just audio is boring... nope! Our imaginations took us where our lack of animator skills couldn't!

The audio taken for this video was a scene taken from my very first Adventure as a tribute to the whole series we made out of it. What you see here was just the start of what it was like. As time went on we got more lines from the shows (and better quality rips of them!), we started using more sfx (it was bare minimal at the start) and we got more experienced at making these things. They got a bit less random (to an extent) with better sub-stories, and by far got greatly improved than what you see here.

These adventures usually involved a cast of Mario and Sonic characters traversing all over worlds with countless guests characters appearing in between. Video game worlds, movie worlds, or non-media worlds at all! Not even we were sure where they'd head off to next!

Questions & Answers
Q. Why are the characters jerks?/why are they so easily offended?/Why does Sonic say "here we go again" twice in the same scene?
A. Simply put, at the time of creation of this Adventure I was very limited in the amount of lines I had, so I just threw random stuff together and tried to make something out of it. Truth be told, some characters ended up carrying over some of their jerkish attitude across several Adventures. xP
(It got so out of hand that it was addressed in one episode Tongue - and no that was not a boring Adventure.)

Q. How long is a normal "episode"?
A. An Adventure™ on average is 10-15 minutes in length. Mini-ventures are 2-3 minutes.

Q. Why is the mall so empty?
A. Well, Mario did say "there's something fishy about this place" did he not?

Q. Can I get the complete audio for this Adventure™?
A. I might consider it if you ask nicely. Cute

Q. How long did it take you to make this?
A. A week and a half. 6 seconds a day on average I'd say.

Q. Do you plan on doing more? Even a full episode?
A. I've considered doing more, but with the time it takes, sometimes I just want to take an animating break to pursue some other hobbies, or perhaps even just animate something different as a break. You know how it is just to look at one thing for a long time, right?
Thanked by: E-Man

Messages In This Thread
Adventure™ (a Mario & Sonic thing) - by Xiron - 06-30-2016, 01:48 PM

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