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Anthropomorphic characters (What are some of your favorites?)
So I noticed in video games the amount of cartoony anthros have declined and I believe its because no one takes those kinds of characters "seriously" anymore. Like such a character can't be the star of a deep story, only someone who looks like Cloud Strife or Master Chief can be taken that way.

Such an idea obviously annoyed me and inspired me to make my own cartoony anthro and put him in a world that already has a "chosen hero" who looks like Link or a FF protagonist. I wanted to contrast these two types of characters we see in video games using the theme of peoples-expectations vs self-determination.

I bring this up because another topic started talking about cartoony anthros being used in a more serious role.

Thanked by: miyabi95_, Kriven

Messages In This Thread
RE: Anthropomorphic characters (What are some of your favorites?) - by Koopaul - 04-12-2016, 04:01 AM

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