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Anthropomorphic characters (What are some of your favorites?)
Aww man, that's like asking me what my favorite kind of bat is. There's so many of them, and I like so many. (...What? I have a thing for bats.)

I guess with a lot of things for me: bigger is better. I always preferred the big, tank-like dudes who can take loads of hits over the sleek and speedy kind who are really bad at tacking hits. I remember the Shining Force had a lot of anthro characters, but two of my favorites were always Guntz and Kiwi. Big guys in huge armor or giant turtle monsters are always cool, and I just started playing a Shining Force game a while ago, so I got characters from the franchise on my mind right now.

Speaking of Akira Toryama, I can't help but wonder if he has a thing for fatties. I notice a lot of fat monsters in his work. Tuskateer's one of my faves in that regard. Maybe I just think walrus' are cool, and I'm not as turned off by the big, ugly fat monster as much as most people are, in fact I think they're kind of cool as long as they're not overdone and still look fairly capable of being menacing. Kind of the same thing: big guy who looks like they can take lots of hits.

...I know I'm kind of weird, but...
Thanked by: miyabi95_

Messages In This Thread
RE: Anthropomorphic characters (What are some of your favorites?) - by Benny The Miraj - 03-31-2016, 09:38 AM

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