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Programming languages and software design interfaces
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It definitely should be up to the individual what they use. Even mediocre tools/languages/technologies can do incredible things if the programmer knows how to use them to their fullest potential. Although, if there's a 100% legitimate reason not to use the language, especially for your purposes, it might be best to not use that language. For example, making an MMO with batchscript, just to name a very extreme case. (I've seen, however... some amazing shit written purely in batch. And what shit I've seen, I have tremendous respect to anyone who can make it do the stuff it was doing.)

And the people arguing that just using, or having been exposed a certain language is bad/wrong...IRRITATING.
I dealt with one of these on youtube a few months back. Someone did an "hour of code" video with the Codebug.
There was this whole comment chain about how the drag 'n drop editors, and languages like BASIC were inferior/aren't effective at teaching, and one person went over the top and said the programmers or would be programmers with prior experience to this are already mentally corrupted just for that exposure. The thing with drag 'n drops is absolutely nothing to do with this method of coding, it's that the features are limited to whatever the underlying pre-built library/engine supports. It's obviously far from impossible to implement a fully functional drag 'n drop tool for any of the existing programming languages out there. It's just that no one has done it. (to my knowledge, anyways) As for the being mentally fucked for life, I simply refuse to believe this. Those that truly are dedicated, and want to improve, probably will. It might take some time, however. Even those that stick to the "bad/useless" stuff might create some impressive and quite functional applications with it, and develop a mastery of it. The individual to whom I made my point got into an argument over my miss-use of the word "racist". I pointed out there's not even a need to classify 20 versions of the same concept, in this case, discrimination. Anyways, after that, they continued to justify their discrimination, and eventually, one of us quit replying, forgot who. But yeah, that pissed me off, being both from the kind of programming background that apparently is "bad" , and having friends in the same boat.
Thanked by: miyabi95_

Messages In This Thread
RE: Programming languages and software design interfaces - by DarkGrievous7145 - 03-09-2016, 05:36 AM

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