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Steven Universe: Attack the Light Graphics Organization?
So, I've extracted the content of every sharedassets file, then cleaned-out the .tex , and sharedassets.<whatever> , and .mat files...

that leaves just exported .dds (of wrong colors... >.>) .ani , and .shader files

I also removed the sounds, since the music is included, and i read something about that not being ok to share/rip?

the .shader files are all plaintext, but idk what to do with them, i'd ask someone who knows how to use/make shaders to take a look at them, if you need any of their effects re-created

there are two versions, and one is slightly incomplete due to filename issues... i'll try to fix that later, i am rushed to get these out...

the first is as i exported and sorted them originally, and the second is merged all together, sorted only by filetype...
mered is the one that caused me issues copying duplicate files, i'll fix it when/if i return...
(hopefully my dad doesn't crash this computer....)

the .dds files probably aren't use-able, unless colors are corrected, but i mainly exported them to check if anything may have been missed. idk why the colors are wrong, the viewer/extractor i used could've done it...


hope this helps?

note: skipped sharedassets folders had either only sounds, or only sharedassets.<x> files, so i either didn't export them, or i omitted them for the potential legality/copyright issues. Not having those sharedassets files seems to quite significantly cut-down on the filesize, and i'm assuming they're not important, anyways (hope they're not...)
note2: i may upload the sounds when i sort them between music and sound effects, unless it's actually ok to upload them all, then i'll get those up real fast, should someone want them.

anyways, i was gonna try looking at the .ani files, now that i have them all together, but i will be afk for an unknown amount of time, now... >.>

That's all...
I'm off, now
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RE: Steven Universe: Attack the Light Graphics Organization? - by DarkGrievous7145 - 08-15-2015, 04:26 PM

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