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How do I get a specific set of sprites from a sprite sheet?
This would probably go under Discussion Boards>Help Me! as it doesn't directly apply to ripping, but you made an effort about it. Close enough. Smile

Anyways, my guess would be to isolate the overworld sprites for the hex maniac with set boundaries (make each sprite have the same dimensions to make the animation flow). It probably isn't 100% correct, but here is a quick jab at it:

[Image: 29p7m6d.jpg] (124x24)

Basically what I did is opened the image in, isolated the hex maniac sprites and pasted them into a new file. From there, just removed the background using the magic wand tool (S) with 0% tolerance and global flood mode (from the toolbar).

It might be a good idea to compare it to another npc sprite sheet that you might have in Essentials. I've never used Essentials before, but a quick Google search brought up what looks to be their wikia which should have some good information on it.

EDIT: Dang, ninja'd.
[Image: WwmoM3d.png]
Currently working on: working and wedding planning
Thanked by: Shade, StrawberryOreo

Messages In This Thread
RE: How do I get a specific set of sprites from a sprite sheet? - by redblueyellow - 07-10-2015, 04:19 PM

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