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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
You know, more OPTIONS isn't a bad thing. In fact. No one should be mad at this.
(I get being frustrated at people refusing to try or attempt to get used to the other ones. After they've tried it, then it should just be user preference.)
Don't hate the options, dislike those that are too dependent on them.
If they suddenly made a Power Glove, PC keyboard and/or Super scope adapter for the Wii, it'd be just as neat. (Heck, even a ROB adapter).
Christianity is my faith not my religion. And neither should be pushed upon people.
HELP-Need as much C+C and playtesting as I can get on my SHMUP Megaman reimagining!
[Image: mx9RKdo.png]

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RE: I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS) - by Terminal Devastation - 05-29-2014, 06:05 PM

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