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Depictions of Women in Gaming (and other related issues)
I agree, just because I disagree with the way a character is portrayed and how people choose to depict things in games, doesn't mean that I think that they should be removed altogether; if I don't like what I see in a game, I just won't play it.

Everyone is always going to filter media that they absorb through a different array of values, beliefs, and preconceptions. In the end, there's always going to be something that offends one but entertains the other: the one who is entertained by that media is part of the target audience, the former is not. I think part of what's difficult about this discussion is the fact that, even though we generally don't like how things are depicted in games, there are a large enough number of people who do enjoy them.

It's wrong to assume that all media should conform to a one-size-fits all set of standards, because such a thing doesn't exist: it's in essence impossible. it's wrong to assume that one particular method of expression is correct because it can be proven either right or wrong depending on differing sets of values. Political correctness is also something that in itself is a paradox: you'll find that it's decided by a single party what's acceptable language, behavior, etc. if free-speech is in effect, why do semantics matter when expressing one's personal opinion?

In the end, the only thing that we are able to control is how we react and interact with what we are given. I get caught up in the details at times and lose track of the fact that just because I think something is dumb, other people might not think the same way, maybe they think something that I like is dumb. Just because we think something is dumb about the other's interests doesn't mean we can't agree on other things. My preferences are my own, and my freedom to express them is at my discretion.

Instead of censoring works that don't agree with your particular value system, either find ones that do, or make something that you feel is worth playing. Vilifying a particular work because you disagree only divides the community and makes it harder to interact.

(I'm in that sort of tired, rambly mode right now. it's like 7AM and I haven't gone to sleep yet, woops!)
Salvador Dali Wrote: Begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. After that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you.
[Image: shrine.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Depictions of Women in Gaming (and other related issues) - by Sketchasaurus - 03-02-2014, 09:25 AM

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