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Depictions of Women in Gaming (and other related issues)
Addendum to my first post: i am aware that sexism is a thing that exists, and it does suck. However, i think that you shouldnt give females MORE rights than males. If they seek equality, then the outcome must be equal. One side having more right than the other is shit.

You can see into this with more transparency if you consider people as... People. Harming and bellitling a group of people is bad. Giving privileges to a select group while not doing the same to another is also shit. Imagining such unbalance in a worldwide scale sure is catasthrophic.

So, I behave by treating everyone equally, be them of any gender or kind. The correct step to end a preconception (sexism, racism etc) is not to give the opposed side gifts, its treating them equally, i would say. That should suffice, and in the long run, you would have made a great positive impact on society. Treat people for what they are in personality! Is the person chill? Befriend him! If not? At least respect him!

This counters the rather acidic way most feminists deal their shit, like angie said. Like i use to say, you could be right. But if you express your opinion like shit, then listeners will take it as shit. And this behaviour will spread shit all over the people, and the issue will never be solved, because people show it as shit and because of that people think its shit. VICIOUS SHIT CIRCLE

And this directly applies to games, and any entertainment media ever. Because entertainment media is commanded by people, and they have their own views about this topic. I would say that if you spend more time designing the character, making it less like a doll and more like a human, things could be 99% avoided. There are times when risky designs are ok because of context, but it really depends.

OBVIOUSLY since i create characters and put them into games, i will tend to fill it with varied characters (i am not good at writing characters though so bear with me), because while fanservice games that cater to a specific group of people exist, i would rather make it a thing that can be easily enjoyed and related by everyone.
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RE: Depictions of Women in Gaming (and other related issues) - by Gors - 02-27-2014, 04:22 PM

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