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"A Really Retro Game" Early Development (Recruiting)
I am a software engineer, so let me give you my perspective.

Your first dev log is reassuring, it looks like you are making good progress, and assets are coming in as you code. That is good news! I like the auto-tiling, that should save you a lot of time down the road. My programmer self is happy you are coding in Java, not Game Maker, you will have a lot more flexibility and experience from it.

Now, that being said; heed the others' advice.
You mentioned an MMORPG, with terraforming and building, an economy, character customization, and all sorts of in-depth features. Wow, that is very ambitious! But what is the *real* focus of your game? Will it have a single defining feature? If not, don't you think it should?

Basically, it is likely you will be overwhelmed by the sheer scale of features you are trying to implement. That is why others have recommended you scale down your ambitions somewhat, and I would tend to agree with that.
Don't panic, though. If you manage the development process in the right way, you will get there.

What I suggest is you set yourself a series of milestones. Here is an example:
- 1: Movement on the level, including water (looks done)
- 2: Generate tilemap from level file (seems you're nearly there)
- 3: Minimap feature
- 4: Interaction with NPCs
- 5: Combat (with NPCs first)
- 6: Stats/levelling
- 7: Items/trading
- 8: Building etc.
- ....
And so on. A milestone is complete once that feature is implemented correctly and debugged. My point is, do not try to do everything at once. Increment on a regular basis instead (this is called iterative development). This will allow you to have a clear set of goal posts at every stage, and have a functional game engine after every milestone. You will then have a clear timeline of the features you added. Also, continue making your dev logs, I am sure one dev log per completed milestone will be a very natural process to you.

There are some features I am doubtful about. Writing network code as a beginner is difficult, and it will also require you code up a dedicated server program. The non-core RPG gameplay features you describe quickly add up too.
What I recommend you do is stick to the core RPG mechanics for now. Once that is done, and only then, start adding your innovative features, one by one. Networking should happen later, once you are really comfortable with your engine code.

If you are not using a version control system, do so now. Use git and commit regularly do keep rolling backups of your work you can easily fall back to.

Finally, you do not have to take anyone's advice, but I sure recommend you do. Many members on this board are seasoned pixel artists, and their advice is grounded in knowledge and experience. I do not know you, but I think I know something about developing computer programs. Taking (constructive) criticism is always hard in the beginning, but it is a necessary skill in life. You learn from the best.

Good luck on your endeavour! Smile
I manage an emulation project called Chip16, check it out!

Messages In This Thread
RE: "A Really Retro Game" Early Development (Recruiting) - by tykel - 02-22-2014, 07:19 AM

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