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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
Hmm I always thought smashbros did more of up-scaling then down-scaling.
Dat Chibi robo.(probably going to be a assist)

Its not really about the character's size. Like if they're using updated models of characters I'm not a fan of that other m Ridley.
[Image: 6IFtB.png]
That beak is weak. I like every thing else about it.
This reason alone is why I still think he won't be in.(kidding)

Hoping we do get another heavy/heavy hitting character however.

-Little Mac is seeming like an extreme glass cannon, so I will definitely use him for team battles.

Finally if we are talking about better representation from Earthbound.
-A remixed version of the Roving Tank theme, that guitar shredding could be intense.
-EVE would make a great assist shows up attacks once and powers down, disappears..
A Flying man assist, 4 show up on stage and randomly walk around attacking, they can be knocked off too....
-More trophies, iconic enemies would be a good start
-I honestly don't think they need another playable character, Ness/Lucas are great enough. (project m did a better job of differentiating them though)
[Image: mugen.gif][Image: 41583772.gif]

Love Gotta Have it:
Thanked by: psychospacecow

Messages In This Thread
RE: I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS) - by Virtuaboy123 - 02-20-2014, 04:17 PM

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