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"It Gets Better, I Promise": The games you like that everyone hates thread
(09-02-2013, 10:04 AM)Gussprint Wrote: Metroid: Other M. I don't know what's with me and this game, but every time I hear someone complaining about it I always think "Wait, are we talking about the same game here?". Sure, some of the design choices are, to say the least, a bit baffling(Authorization system, WHAT.), but the rest of it? I can roll with it just fine.

Also, to all of ya peeps screamin' "OMG SAMUS FELT FEAR WUT IZ DIS SPIT" or "WTF DIS AINT RITE Y SAMUS IS CRYIN". She's still human, you know. Emotions are a part of the human nature. Jus' sayin'.
From what I've seen of the game, the problem with samus wasn't that she felt emotion, but that she didn't feel emotion like samus should. Samus has always had a sentimental introspective girly side... its just normally a constant subtle thing. Little things like pausing to pay respects to a fallen ally. Or internal monologues (Well better written ones at least, Other M was spot one in the amount of inner dialouge samus had... just needed to write the whole thing better).

Anyways, mine is Dynowars: Destruction of Spondylus. I rarely here anything about it, and the only review I've ever seen about it called it the worse game ever.
It's a mediocre game, not horribad. Doesn't deserve that at all. I mean, if some one put it on a list of forgetable games, or so-so games that will fade into the history because they're not anything special, I'd be cool with that. but worst game? What kind of spoiled gaming past would you have to have had to never play a game worse that Dynowarz?
Christianity is my faith not my religion. And neither should be pushed upon people.
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RE: "It Gets Better, I Promise": The games you like that everyone hates thread - by Terminal Devastation - 09-03-2013, 09:55 AM

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