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"It Gets Better, I Promise": The games you like that everyone hates thread
-Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: granted, it's a game that's earned a fair bit of respect in recent years, but all the same it still has its detractors. This game was beautiful; the plot was incredible, and the replay value is immense (for me). This is actually my favorite video game of all time, tied only with...
-Super Mario Sunshine: OK, the voice acting and Blue Coins sucked. But beyond that, I thought that FLUDD existed as far more than a gimmick, and was utilized creatively in this game; the game also seems to be a bit harder than SM64, but I didn't mind. And for having a tropical/summery theme, the levels in Sunshine were fairly diverse.
-Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin: I felt this was a fairly solid entry, but I will concede there were some glaring issues, such as how every extra playable character (aside from The Sisters) was lazily tacked on, or how some of Wind's quests were missable (because it's totally logical to think that there'd only be one generic longsword or moldy loaf of bread in the game). Beyond that, I felt the adventure aspect was fairly well done, especially since the worlds gave you locales that weren't just inside the castle.
-Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons: often overshadowed by Ages and Link's Awakening, I honestly find Seasons to be the strongest GB/C Zelda game. The world was more varied in appearance in Seasons than the Past in Ages (mmm... brown), the seasons were more fun to play with than Ages' time travel... oh and Seasons didn't have that shittastic Mermaid Suit.
Offending people is a necessary and healthy act... Every time you say something that's offensive to another person, you just caused a discussion. You just forced them to have to think. - Louis C.K.
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RE: "It Gets Better, I Promise": The games you like that everyone hates thread - by BullockDS - 09-01-2013, 07:26 PM

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