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25 billion colors ! GO !
One of the reasons your color count gets inflated is because you seem to make a new set of colors for each hue you use, rather than reusing existing ones. Reusing other colors may require a sacrifice of color detail, though.
For example, on that Crash sprite, you could lose the yellows on his belly, opting instead to reuse the peach colors from his mouth.

If you don't want to sacrifice color-accuracy, then you'll probably have to reduce the number of shades you use per color; hues that aren't taking up a whole lot of space can probably be compressed to far fewer shades.

Alternatively, you can use some clever color-picking to create shades that can be used for more than one hue, such as using one brown to shade yellows, reds, and other similar colors.

That said, I like all these pieces lol. I'd have to see more faces to be able to tell what how they normally look for you, but I think these ones look alright.

ugh my posts are always longer than they need to be

Messages In This Thread
25 billion colors ! GO ! - by Zenaki Jenkins - 08-02-2013, 04:53 PM
RE: 25 billion colors ! GO ! - by Garamonde - 08-02-2013, 05:44 PM
RE: 25 billion colors ! GO ! - by Kitsu - 08-02-2013, 07:28 PM

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