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Turning Over a New Leaf (Animal Crossing Thread)
Post your town data to be added to the first post! Friend codes can be included or you can have people ask beforehand.

Also if you want to you can post when villagers move in or out.

A.J. Nitro's Town:
Mayor: Alex
Town Name: Skyloft
Fruit: Peaches
Villagers: Rod, Rasher, Simon, Aurora, Bianca

Devicho's Town
Mayor: Devicho
Town Name: Primp
Fruit: Apples
Villagers: Cheri, Francine, Sterling, Tucker, Vesta

~Drakocat~'s town
Mayor: Nekoshi
Town Name: O'kay
Fruit: Peach
Villagers: Tiffany, Ozzie, Lily, Sparro, Zell, Puddles

Flannel Butts Town:
Mayor: Aüst
Town Name: Grisgris
Fruit: Oranges
Villagers: Rod, Bluebear, Roscoe, Isabelle, Jeremiah, Pancetti

Gold's Town:
Mayor: Gold
Town Name: Edo
Fruit: Peaches (with cherry, orange, mango, lemon, durian, lychee, coconut, and banana)
Villagers: Not sure

Masamune's Town
Mayor: Masamune
Town Name: Ezo
Fruit: Peaches
Villagers: Bill, Naomi, Pompom, Chow, Kitt and Katt

Mutsukki's Town
Mayor: Luiggi
Town Name: Moonside
Fruit: Pears
Villagers: Dora, Gwen, Barold, Chow, Truffles (and Rudy coming soon)

Omegajak's Town
Mayor: Daijanjo
Town Name: Domina
Fruit: Apples
Villagers: Simon, Carmen, Vesta, Pancetti,Groucho,Shari, Scoots house is being built.

Phantom K's town:
Mayor: Brandon
Town Name: Ghoston
Fruit: Orange
Villagers: Victoria, Opal, Elmer, Camofrog, Celia 

Sengir's Town:
Mayor: Sengir
Town Name: Perham
Fruit: Pear
Villagers: Blanche, Bob, Peaches, Rudy, Static

Soulcaliburfan's Town
Mayor: Cojiro
Town Name: Nowhere
Fruit: Apples
Villagers: Alfonso, Claudia, Vesta, Bill, Rooney, and Diva coming in tomorrow.

spongefan12's Town
Mayor: Koosh
Town: 420ville
Fruit: Cherries
Villagers: Iggly, Annalisa, Mira, Violet, Hamphrey, Clay, Jitters, Bruce, Colton, Penelope

StarSock64's Town:
Mayor: Angie
Town Name: Popsock
Fruit: Pears
Villagers: Bones, Avery, Bluebear, Jitters, Baabara

Viiper's Town:
Mayor: Deric
Town Name: Kokomo
Fruit: Orange
Villagers: Wolfgang, Doc, Pompom, Lyman, Queenie

Vipershark's Town:
Mayor: Viper
Town Name: Richmond
Fruit: Cherry
Villagers: Kitty, Skye, Limberg, Ozzie, and Goose

Virt's Town
Mayor: Anders (my brother :I)
Town Name: Vermilio
Fruit: Oranges (with pear trees planted)
Villagers: Stinky, Dora, Bree, Kabuki, Jeremiah

Zac's Town
Mayor: Zac
City: Compton
Fruit: Apples
Villagers: Knox ,Coach, Clyde, Bree and Felicity
Thanked by: Viiper, Masamune

Messages In This Thread
Turning Over a New Leaf (Animal Crossing Thread) - by Sengir - 06-09-2013, 03:27 PM

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