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[TSR Game] [Open-source] Thank The Moon
The doodles show the overall design of the character types pretty well, but I'm not surewhy but the vampire design seems to bug me a little bit(I can't put my finger on it).

Just curious, have you thought of using wraith, whisps, phantoms and such? I think it'd add a little bit of variety since not all the enemies would seem limited to the ground.

As for the Darken, it probably could've been darklings that refused to pay they're debt and defied the moon, and thus the moon took away there ability to change shape and cursed them to what ever form they where in. And they end up being angry at everything.

Edit: I also like the idea of it being open source, so the whole project isn't reliant on a single programmer(So if something pops up and he can't work on it, the project won't end up being either in haitus or get lost)
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
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Thanked by: Bombshell93, Phaze, Baegal

Messages In This Thread
RE: [TSR Game] [Open-source] Thank The Moon - by Kami - 01-18-2013, 09:09 PM

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