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Shouty,your sprites are nice,and it seems like an interesting character,but the dicks really need to go.
They're funny and all,specially on the "hoping" pose (which doesn't look like hoping at all,but Meta already got that covered),but they're only funny because they look like dicks,which is something you claim to not want.
Besides,not everyone seeing your sprites will have the context of they actually being "water bladders" (which is a total bullshit excuse imo),and even with that context in mind,they still look like dicks.And while it might be funny to some,it could easily be misinterpreted as some kind of sick fetish..y'know..with double dicks and all.

If you really need "water bladders",I suggest you move they're position to somewhere else.
Thanked by: Gaia, Iceman404

Messages In This Thread
THE FIGHTERS RESOURCE - Official Thread - by Gors - 06-02-2012, 11:24 AM
i noticed, Crappy, i noticed - by Tellis - 06-07-2012, 08:33 PM
RE: i noticed, Crappy, i noticed - by Baegal - 06-07-2012, 08:37 PM
RE: THE FIGHTERS RESOURCE - Official Thread - by Shinbs - 09-22-2012, 12:51 PM

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