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Super Smash Bros. Clash
Cool Hello everyone. As promised here is Chapter 5: The Mysterious Star Warriors. For those of you whom have expressed your negative feelings towards my works, turn back now. This is indeed the one you were warned about. This is the longest part of my whole story before we get to the very end. We are getting close, and I promise I will put up other works, but for now I do intend to see this to the end. That in mind for those of you who love Kirby read on. This will explain much about him. The info. covered here is from various games, cartoons, books, and the crazy mind of yours truly. This is one of my favorites and I hope it is yours too. Here we go:

Chapter 5: The Mysterious Star Warriors

Suddenly an alram is heard.

Navi: Hey! What's that?.

Samus: An alarm indicating my ship is low on power. It's nothing we can return the GFHQ and refule… What the?(She's hitting some keys now.)

Peach: What is it Samus?

Samus: Something's seriously wrong with this control panel and we're heading into a nearby astroid belt!

Luigi: Oh no!

Peach: Eek!

Yoshi: Yoshi!

Samus: Everyone relax. I'll get us through this. (Using the best of her piloting skills Samus successfully navigates through an astroid belt. However a lone astroid still strikes her ship. Her ship is now plummeting.) Hold on! We're coming in for a landing. If I can just land on that nearby planet.

We now see her ship hit Pop Star. Her ship hit's the ground and is sliding acrossed the surface. It is in bad shape and starts to smoke. Suddenly we see the top hatch open and Samus leaps out doing a cool landing pose onto Popo Star's surface.Now everyone starts exiting the ship. Link Jumps out to the right saying "hep!" Zelda at the same time leaps out to the left going "yah!" Navi is than seen flying out. Yoshi dose his flutter jump to the left Peach parasols to safety on the right. Luigi leaps out yelling "Yay Hay!" DK is the last to leave the ship leaping high into the air and landing on the ground (like from the melee intro.) As all this is going on Samus is already surveying the area.

Samus: Stay close. We'll have to look around.

Our heroes travel for a little while until eventually they find Kirby's house. They peer inside, but no one is in there. than they hear a rustling noise. Navi flies up to a tree.

Navi: Hey. Hey look.

Peach: What is that?

Everyone looks up and Kirby is seen stuck in the tree. DK climbs up and grabs Kirby with one hand, while using the other to climb down to safety. DK sets Kirby down on the ground and pats him on the head. Kirby dose his hi taunt from the Smash series.

Kirby: Poio! Poio!

DK now confused scratches his head. Kirby walks over to the parasol and hands it to DK. He's making cute Kirby noises.

Zelda: hm. I do believe this creature is trying to communicate.

Just than Kirby sucks DK into his mouth. Than Yoshi, exclaiming, "Yoshi"!, sticks out his tounge and swallows up Kirby.

Peach: Yoshi. Let that poor creature go.

Yoshi burps and lets out an egg. The egg hatches and Kirby spits out DK.

Zelda: Look at that! The creature looks just like…

Kirby is beating his chest and making monkey noises. He runs up the nearest tree and runs acrossed the branches. One snaps.

Peach:Oh no!

Zelda: Look out!

Kirby falls from the tree landing on top of DK's head. DK is knocked out with banana birds chirping around his head. He shakes it off. Now he's angry! He yells angrily and grabs Kirby. While holding Kirby in one hand he winds up the other. Dk looks as though he's about to strike but Samus, who started a small charge beam, aims her arm cannon at DK.

Samus:…Unhand… the… creature.

Samus's tone of voice is so intimidating and serious DK immediately drops Kirby out of fear. Samus turns her back. DK Growls furiously. Samus turns back around. DK is silent. Samus turns around DK bares his teeth in an angry fashion. It's obvious DK won't let this go.

Peach:So Samus what do we do now?

Samus: According to our coordinates it would be the best course of action to…

We see DK staring at Kirby. He Smacks Kirby in the back of the head.

Yoshi: Yoshi!

Everyone turns around. DK is holding Kirby Smacking him.

Navi: Hey! Listen! You shouldn't do that! Hey! HEY!

Zelda: Unhand him you brute!

Samus is charging up her beam again. Kirby wiggles free. He kicks DK in the Stomach. Kirby dose rapid punches to DK's stomach.

Kirby: Pewpewpew!

Kirby now stomps on DK's head. As the ape tries to stand Kirby is winding up his one fist. He hits DK with a windup punch to the chest ( It would be DK's jaw if Kirby wasn't so small) and sends DK flying backward into a tree. DK hits his head and is out cold.

Peach: Oh my!

Zelda: humph! Serves the big ape right!

Samus watches for a moment not saying anything. She scans Kirby for her log book. The following information is displayed: Organism appears seemingly weightless and is composed of elastic-like qualities. When threatened organisim replicates the abilities of the threatening predator for a short period of time and uses those abilities as a defense mechanism. When the opposing threat has been neutralized organism returns to its former state.

Peach: Hey Samus. Uhm what are you doing?

Samus: Researching. We're currently located on a planet known as Pop Star. Based on what we've just witnessed I believe my hypothisis was correct. Not only dose this creature copy the look of an opponent but it absorbs and emulates their skills as well.

Peach: Could that help us?

Zelda: An ability like that would surely prove useful to our cause, but how do we convince the creature to join us?

Everyone is looking at Kirby now. Kirby has a confuse look on his face. He than jumps up and snatches Luigi's hat.

Luigi: Hey!

Kirby laughs and runs away. Luigi starts running after him and a chase ensues. Kirby runs near DK. Luigi follows in pursuit as the two run circles around DK. DK is following their actions looking around and watching them until he becomes dizzy and falls into Luigi knocking him to the ground. Oof! Kirby now uses this distration to run off. DK and Luigi get up dizzied and dusts their self off. Than Luigi makes an angry face and gives chase. Luigi, after what eels like hours, catches up to Kirby. He swings his arms and misses. He pants, winded. Later we see him sneaking up on Kirby tiptoeing softly. Kirby looks at Luigi now. Luig turns his head pretending not to look at Kirby and starts whislting the Luigi's Mansion theme. Kirby turns and Luigi trys again. Kirby turns back and Luigi starts doing his multiple taunt from Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Kirby looks confused and turns around. He grabs Kirby and and yells Gott'cha! However Kirby wiggles free and runs again. Annoyed Luigi trys to jump on Kirby and misses. Luigi dose his " Aw Shucks" pose from the melee series and dusts himself off; giving Kirby the chance to jump on a warp star and take off. Samus now aims her arm cannon.

Peach: (runs over)Samus wait! We don't want to hurt it.

Samus: Everything's under control. I'm an expert shot.

Peach: But that's what I'm afraid of!

Samus offers no reply and instead shoots out a grappling beam at the warpstar and pulls it toward her. Kirby, losing his balance, falls off. Zelda catches Kirby. Luigi quick snatches his hat from Kirby's head. He dose his item obtained pose from Luigi's Mansion and than puts the hat back on. Luigi looks very happy and content. Just than a breeze blows and Luigi's hat off again. Luigi looks. He drops to his knees and starts crying.

Peach: Oh Luigi. Don't cry. We'll get it back.

Zelda: Peach there's something I don't understand. Why is Luigi so upset over a hat? It's not that fasionable.

Peach: Zelda you don't understand. That hat is more than a fasion statement. The hat is the source of all of Luigi's strength and abilities.

Samus: He relies on a hat for strength?

Peach: Not just strength. All of his abilities. You see Mario and Luigi have had their hats since they were born. At one time they were exiled from the Mushroom Kingdom when the evil Koopa clan invaded and conquered us. For Years their hats remained safe in the castle hidden away from Bowser and his followers by my grandmother. It was told in an ancient prophecy that one day two "Twins of Destinny" would return to our beloved kingdom and end Bowser's reign of terror once and for all. Than one day, while working on a leaky drain pipe in the Kingdom of Brook Land, Mario and Luigi accidentally discovered a warp which led them to my castle. Since their arrival time and again Mario and Luigi have always thwarted Bowser's evil schemes. That is why I believe Mario and Luigi to be the "Twins of Destany" the prophecy spoke of. If so we must recover Luigi's hat. It is the only way to protect my kingdom.

Zelda: I understand Peach. Samus we need to…

Samus: I got it. We'll retrieve the hat.

The heroes search until at last Navi finds the hat.

Navi: Up there. In that tree. Listen...

Meanwhile Kirby sees apples. He gets excited and runs up the tree. And snatches an apple. He wings it down and Yoshi eats it. Frustrated Kirby shakes the branch and tons of apples come piling down ontop of Yoshi.

Yoshi: Owowowow!

Kirby jumps down on the apples and begins eating. He doesn't notice the hat landing on the pile. Luigi runs over to grab the hat. Just than the tree's eyes flash open and reveals a face. It's Whispy. Whispy blows Luigi backwards.

Luigi: Woah!

Luigi, Kirby, Yoshi, and a barrage of apples crash into the others. Everyone falls down, except Samus who straifed avoiding everything because she's cool. Whispy sucks Luigi's hat into its mouth.

Peach: ( out stretching her hand) No!

Whispy sucks up all the apples into its mouth. It spits them back out. Our heroes are being pelted. Samus, who's had enough of this is charging up her charge beam.

Navi: Hey! Look.

We see Kirby dodging the apple assault and suck an apple up into his mouth. Her spits it back at whispy. Whispy is momentarily stunned, but recovers swiftly. Whispy looks angry, but so dose Kirby. A battle is inevitable. Try as he might with three various forms of attack Whispy is no match for Kirby. After Kirby wins he dose his up taunt from brawl. Than he dose his traditional victory dance from all the Kirby games. Everyone runs over to celebrate. A dazed and defeated Whispy spits out another apple. It whizes at Zelda who ducks and hits Luigi right in the face. Luigi sits up momentarily stunned with his hat hanging on his nose.

Luigi! Are you all right?

Luigi: speaks.

Noticing the hat, Luigi smiles and exclaims lucky! He puts on the hat and jumps up, almost as if he has been revitalized. He looks at Kirby and starts to smile. Bravo! Now he's clapping and everyone joins in very pleased with Kirby.

Zelda: Congradulations on getting your hat back Luigi.

Peach: Oh! The way that creature battled! He's so amazing!

Zelda: You may be right Peach. I don't think any of us would be safe right now without the little pink guy.

Samus: Let's not push it. The " little pink guy" was the cause of all this mess. Still… I must admit its skills for battling are quite inept. I never thought this creature could posses such abilities.

An uknown voice is head: Kirby posses many unique and strange abilities. His potential is seemingly endless. Even I do not know the extent of his powers. Everyone turns to look now. We see an over the shoulder view of...Meta Knight. Now a close up on him.

Zelda: And you are…?

Meta Knight: Oh please forgive me. I did not mean to intrude. We have not been properly introduced. You may call me…( he flings off his cape as Spanish music briefly plays) Meta Knight. Like your friend here I too am a Star Warrior.

Peach: A…Star Warrior?

Meta Knight: That is correct. You see we Star Warriors have been charged with the sacred task of establishing eternal peace through out the galaxy. We have done so since the beginning of time. Our daily duties involve us traveling from planet to planet to protect the meek and punish the vile. My journey has lead me here to seek out your current ally Kirby.

Zelda: Wait. Why Kirby?

Peach: Have you come to recruit him to be one of you guys?

Meta Knight: Not exactly. You see…

Samus: Hold it right there! I've heard of the many legends of the Star Warriors during my time spent in the Galatic Federation Academy and I know they were all wiped out of existence during a greast war. Who are you really?

Meta Knight: I've already told you I am the Star Warrior known as Meta Knight. I am not lying.

Zelda: Wait Samus said the Star Warriors were wiped out during war. How did you…

Meta Knight: I just barely escaped. You see Samus Your academy was only partly right. A good deal of my comrads were wiped out during a great war. But not all of us perished. There were survivors, such as myself and another who calls himself Geno, who went into hiding. We were not strong enough to combat such a great threat.

Peach: Geno? Mario and I once met a Geno.

Meta Knight: Yes. We Star Warriors are stationed in different areas of the galaxy to ensure the safety of all living beings. Geno was sent to watch over and protect the Mushroom Kingdom. I have heard all about you Princess Peach. (Peach looks shocked.) I know all about the legends of Hyrule as well Princess Zelda and Link. (They look stunned) It is safe to lower your guard Samus Aran. Do not be afraid for we Star Warriors know of your noble deeds the most. You and the Galactic Federation have done well in keeping the galaxy safe.

Samus: Okay. So you know who we are. Even if your story is true it still doesn't explain what you want with Kirby.

Meta Knight: (ignoring the heroes) Kirby, you may have felled Whispy. But how can you fare against the likes of … me, a " True Star Warrior?" The time has come Kirby! Embrace your destinany. FIGHT ME!

Peach: What?

Meta Knight throws Kirby a sword. Kirby looks at it.

Kirby: Poio?

Meta Knight: Do not stall.

Zelda: You intend to harm him don't you?

Meta Knight: Kirby! I challenge you to an honorable duel. We shall see who the real Star Warrior is.

Samus: ( aiming her cannon at Meta Knight) I'm not about to let that happen.

Peach: Samus is right. You call dueling a small child honorable? Why you are nothing but a big bully.

Yoshi: Yoshi!

Zelda: Leave him alone!

Meta Knight ignores the others and heads towards Kirby.

Samus: That's far enough! Stay away from Kirby! I won't warn you again!

Meta Knight: Do not tempt fate! I understand your confusion and desire to aid your new ally, but I assure you this is a fair contest. Kirby may still be very young, but he is more than capable of handling himself in combat. Look. Everyone turns to Kirby. Kirby grabs the sword instinctively and prepares to fight. It begins. Now Kirby COME!

Kirby must fight a boss battle against Meta Knight. In an epic clash of titans Kirby finally defeats Meta Knight.

Meta Knight: No... I've been bested. Still. I thought I was the chosen one…(Now we see everyone gathered around a victorious Kirby and a defeated Meta Knight.) Bravo Kirby. That's what I want to see! This was most impressive indeed.

Peach: It is? You mean you want Kirby to grow stronger?

Zelda: That's it. That was your true intention all along. That's why you challenged Kirby in the first place. You anticipated to lose didn't you? This wasn't about winning it was a simple test.

Meta Knight: Alas, the truth has been exposed. Everything has gone according to plan. It appears as though the child has grown since we last crossed paths.

Peach: Last crossed paths? You mean you and Kirby have…

Meta Knight: You are correct Princess. We have crossed paths on many occasions. Some more pleasant than others. Many times have we battled and each time I've been bested. You do not realize Kirby's true potential. He once successfully destroyed my entire ship and decimated much of my crew. We are lucky to still be standing.

Zelda: Kirby did that to you?

Peach: A whole ship? Wow Kirby is so amazing!

Samus: I don't believe it. As far as I can tell Kirby is a defensive creature and only attacks when provoked. You would have had to pose some form of threat for Kirby to respond in such a matter. I believe it was an act of self defense.

Meta Knight: You are correct bounty hunter. I did try to kill Kirby. (Everyone gasps!) But that was only my time spent in service to the King. I have since had a change of heart and have made it my sworn duty to protect young Kirby.

Peach: Protect Kirby! First you try to harm him and than you try to help him? Are you friend or foe?

Zelda: Peach is right what side are you on?

Meta Knight: Side? There is no side. I am Kirby's care taker and teacher. Nothing more. I am sworn to protect Kirby until he hones his skills properly and reaches his true potential. For some time now I have been keeping a close eye on Kirby as he grows making sure no harm shall befall him. I am to see he is properly trained to carry out such an important destinany. Though he is powerful he may not be prepared to handle what will happen in the future. The Star Warriors are in dire need of a strong leader to lead them toi ultimate victory. Despite a prophecy stating Kirby may indeed be that champion I believe such a responsibility can only lie upon my shoulders and mine alone. There can only be one true champion and leader of the star warriors and this child shouldn't be the one. One day I shall finally best Kirby in combat and prove my suporaity.

Zelda: So you let jealous pride get in the way of your true potential than? You speak of honor and nobility, but instead of trying to help Kirby alongside your fellow comrads you'd rather risk failing your duty and dooming us all for the sake of your ego. All because you can't except the fact that there are other heroes out there, such as Kiurby, who just might be better than you. I don't know if Kirby is the champion like the prophecy you mentioned , but I do know he saved all of us in our time of need. He'll fight for and support his friends to the bitter end. That, in my book, makes him our hero! You're a star warrior though. I'm sure you already know what it takes to be a real hero.

Peach: Yeah! Being tough doesn't make you a hero. It's your personal actions that define you as a person that makes you a hero. Helping others makes you a hero. You're no hero. You're a big bully.

Samus: The chozo knew of real honor.

Zelda: Come on Kirby. Everyone. Let's get out of here.

They walk away.

Meta Knight: Wait. Do not judge me so harshly until I've finished my tale. I've told you all I've changed my ways. Please grant me an opportunity for atonement. Let me explain to you all more of our past and what is to come… (The heroes come back and are now listening.) The prophecy, I speak of, states that one day our entire universe will face a cosmic crysis like none other. Whole worlds will be plunged into darkness and be destroyed. Though the remaining star warriors and gathered heroes will fight their hardest, there efforts will be in vain. Many will perish, yet all is not lost. Lo' a lone Star Warrior will rise. He shall rise up, star rod in hand and challenge this impending threat. Darkness shall be cast aside and light returned. All of known exsistance will be safe once more but… at a terrible cost. (Everyone looks at Meta Knight as he pauses.) The prophecy goes onto state that while the galaxy is in total peace for the time being the hero saccrifies his very life…

Samus: Your commander believed Kirby is that hero spoken of didn't he?

Meta Knight: He did. I am not so sure. I realize now Kirby is is not to be underestimated. He could be the key to ushering in a new era of peace in the galaxy. It is to early to tell if he is to become perhaps one of the greatest Star Warriors of all time like my commander believed. So in order to determine whether or not the prophecy was correct My commander decided to conduct a series of tests for Kirby.

Zelda: Tests? What sore of tests?

Meta Knight: During a great war Kirby was but a small baby destined to become felled in the invasion like so many of my former comrads. We star warriors were ordered to get the baby to safety. No harm was to befall the small child at all costs. Our commmander sensed something different about Kirby. This particular child was extraordinary. Could he be the one the prophecy spoke of? Our commander believed it to be so just by taking but a simple gaze at the child. He felt that one day Kirby would save us all from tyranny and warfare. But first Kirby had to survive. Our Commander gave us the order to place the small child on a ship and blast him off to the nearwest planet known as Pop Star. There Kirby could live in peace and grow strong until the one fateful day he may return to us to lead us into battle. Time has passed and the child has only learned a small fraction of his powers. Still even at his tender age he shows signs of growing stronger. He may be the one we were hoping for unless….

Zelda: Unless what?

Meta Knight: unless the prophecy is wrong and Kirby is not the one the prophecy spoke of. The fate of the Star Warriors resting in the hands of a mere child is ludacris. My commander may have believed in such a notion, but I do not. Although I am Kirby's mentor I will not hesitate to finish him if he shows any kind iof weakness. It was my commander's dying wish that I may look after the child and so I'll honor my promise. However I will not jeperdize the fate of My fellow Star Warriors and the galaxy because it is stated that a mere child will save us all. The prophecy must be wrong.

Zelda: I disagree!

Peach: Yeah Kirby is that hero! I just know we'll save the galaxzy and my kingdom.

Zelda: With his special abilities added to our team there's little we can't do.

Meta Knight: No! Kirby goes nowhere. I am afterall still his caretaker. He shall remain here and grow stronger. I have a promise to keep.

Zelda: Hey Kirby bested you in battle and aided all of us. I think he can handle himself. He's proven it to everyone here, but you.

Meta Knight: Sigh… Very well. I can see Kirby's abilities are crucial to your success. Kirby will indeed be an important asset to your team. For now, I will not interfer with destinany. However, Kirby is your responsibility. It is imparitive that no hasrm befall him. You are now his caretakers and I trust he'll grow even stronger under your guidance. Go Kirby. Leave your home and aid these heroes. I'll deal with you again later. I look forward to our next dual.

Peach: Oh come on you can't beat Kirby! Give up already!

Meta Knight: Ah Princess. You do not know the great strengnth I possess. I was merely holding back. Had I unleashed my true powers I would be the ultimate star warrior of legend.

Zelda: If you say so. Samus are we all set to leave?

Meta Knight: If you mean to leave with Kirby you had better do so before the king arrives. Or it may be too late.

Samus: You spoke of a king earlier when you stated you were in service to him. What did you mean?

Meta Knight: I used to be in the royal srervice of King DDD, a monarach who traveled all the way south from his fortress, high atop MT. DDD, and proclaimed himself to be the ruler of all Dreamland. King DDD hoards the citizens' food for himself and demands everyone pay tribute in the form high taxes. The citizens are forced to work very hard so that the king lives well. Anyone who opposes King DDD's rule is forced to contend with his massive armies. Despite this there was one who challenged his rule. A little boy stood up and decided to oppose the might of the king. That boy was Kirby. Since Kirby's arrival here on Popstar Kirby has time and again triumphed over King DDD and brought hope back to the citizens of dreamland. When the king grew weary of battles he could not win he employed me to assassinate Kirby, so that no one could ever again challenge his rule. There was a time when I would've carried this task out. I didn't and still don't believe in the prophecy. If something were to happen to Kirby I would assume the mantle of the true star warrior's leader and fulfill my destiny. When I saw how cruel this king was however to order me to assassanate a mere child, and because of my promise to my commander, I couldn't bring myself to harm Kirby. Still I could not oppose the King's rule. So I played the role of a double agent. I allowed the King to believe I was aiding him in his cause to rid Dreamland of Kirby, but really I spent this whole time caring for Kirby and assisting him when I could. I first became aware of Kirby's great skill when he bested King DDD in the king's very own battle arena. Since than Kirby has bested King DDD on many occasions and with my aid will continue to do so. Now that the king, like all of you, knows of my true intentions I have been branded a trader. He will most likely catch up to… Oh no! ( A loud rumbling sound is heard in the distance) Look over yonder. The King's armies are fast approaching. Hurry! You must take Kirby and flee Popstar before it is too late. Everyone prepares to leave. Link snatches up Kirby and runs.

Peach[size=x-small](running back):[/size] Wait Meta Knight! What about you?

Meta Knight: I'll be fine. I'll hold off the King's armies so you all can escape. Hurry there's not much time!

Peach: But… Meta Knight please. It's not too late! You can join our cause and help Kirby!

Meta Knight: No! Someone must remain here and protect Dreamland's citizens in Kirby's absence. I will fight in his stead. Now go!

Armies are now attacking. Peach runs away closer to the ship. Everyone is on it and it's starting to take off!

Peach: Meta Knight! Don't do this! ( He's being swarmed by hundereds of enemies)

Meta Knight:

The ship takes off. We see Peach looking out the window of the ship all sad. She presses her hand on the glass and kind of lets it slide. She says in a melancholy voice...

Peach: Meta Knight…

Now we see Meta Knight's ship. It now has all these enemies on it with Meta Knight all tied up and bound. We Now see a close up of King DDD. Laughing. The scene ends with his ship flying off in the distance heading toward MT. DDD. Scene ends.

Whew! Well that's it guys. That took a while. Don't know when my next chapter is going up so... Stay tuned... Wink
Video Games are bad for you? Surprise That's what they said about Rock and Roll! Big Grin
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Messages In This Thread
Super Smash Bros. Clash - by Makermatic21 - 05-29-2012, 11:40 AM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Story-Prologue: The Adventure Begins - by Makermatic21 - 06-27-2012, 08:27 PM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Clash - by Makermatic21 - 09-28-2012, 12:14 PM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Clash - by Previous - 09-28-2012, 01:38 PM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Clash - by Cobalt Blue - 10-01-2012, 09:02 PM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Clash - by Marth - 10-01-2012, 10:32 PM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Clash - by Makermatic21 - 10-03-2012, 01:20 PM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Clash - by Garamonde - 10-03-2012, 01:52 PM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Clash - by DioShiba - 10-03-2012, 02:33 PM
RE: Super Smash Bros. Clash - by Garamonde - 10-03-2012, 03:03 PM
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RE: Just a reminder... - by Previous - 09-28-2012, 01:19 PM
RE: Just a reminder... - by Makermatic21 - 09-28-2012, 01:26 PM

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