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[Idea] shadowrun, or some cyberpunk equivalent
(01-10-2012, 05:22 PM)Proton Wrote: I do admit though, Shadowrun always had fun ideas for characters and environments.

There's always the "Mystery Dungeon" way of doing things.
Whenever you take a step, enemies do to.
Whenever you make an attack (if enemies are in your range), enemies do to (if they're in range of you).

Some other game most likely does this to, but Dungeon was the first I encountered, so that's my example.

It should really focus on the idea of customization, something renowned in games like Shadowrun.

I think isometric view would be neat if you pull it off to not be cluttered or distracting.

Delayed response, you'll have to forgive me I'm a little bit slow. Or distracted by real life or something.

I think I've played Mystery Dungeon, or a game with similar mechanics on the Sega Genesis. I had actually been experimenting with something similar. Although it was more like everything was done in precise actions and times. Like in battle when you stepped left or right, it would be aligned to a grid of 32pixels or so.. And when you attacked, it would take a specific amount of time (that would decrease when you put points into a fire-arms skill)

Ultimately I scrapped that idea because being able to move more freely, like in an oldschool side-scrolling game kinda, allows for a lot more interesting enemy AI..

Definately with you on the customization. Just deciding how exactly that will work.. I've already got a system for basic RPG attributes like Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma, etc. Simple use of variables.. But I also wanted to put something similar to the 'Perk' system of the fallout games.. Although that be a slight deviation from the AD&D rules that Shadowrun is based on. I don't know though.. ultimately i make a lot of changes for the sake of making the game better as a whole..

Isometric view, like in the SNES shadowrun game. heh, I don't quite have the skill to program that yet. i did recently learn how to program the battle system from that game, and where you could control the aiming cursor with a mouse (that the character would face). It's just everything else that's an issue... Smile

(01-11-2012, 09:58 AM)Altrez Wrote: I played the hellscion out of Shadowrun on genesis when I was younger.

The dark gritty atmosphere and mercenary missions were a great combo, even though half the time I just ran around shooting/looting people or randomly breaking into jails to free people who wouldn't leave.

One thing that was great were the random events that would happen on the street, you should definitely incorporate those somehow. Random muggings, or vampire attacks, police raids, people selling you black market goods on the corner, etc.

Yeaah, it has always been one of my favorites. Really disappointing when Microsoft attempted to reboot it as a clone of Unreal Tournament or something. If they had made it anything like the old ones, it would've been awesome.. :\

Definately plan on incorporating the random events from the Sega version.. Except making it where there's actually people on the streets rather than it all being 'implied', but the way you could get a fake permit for your illegal weapons, or be stopped and fined by Lone Star. It was great! I was also working on adding elements of the GTA games, like having a room in different parts of town. but perhaps making it where you have to do jobs and pay rent. I've been told by some people that would suck, but I don't know..

I also took out the option of randomly killing innocent civilians! I don't support random & senseless violence. For profit, sure, but anyways.. I'm making it where when you pull a gun on someone or attack them, they'll scream and run away. It's actually more amusing.. maybe a perk or character trait system that enables you to mug people. Or be a vampire that has to bite people to regain health? Still working out the details, of which there are many!

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RE: [Idea] shadowrun, or some cyberpunk equivalent - by hellscion - 02-13-2012, 02:45 PM

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