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Save the Internet: The SOPA/PIPA thread.
(01-19-2012, 12:53 AM)Argyle Bastard Wrote:
(01-18-2012, 11:28 PM)Chibi Wrote: All I know is this black out shit needs to stop. Seriously getting irritating

Besides, it was one day, and it helped spread the message so that even thick skulled people finally got it.
Our Senator was in Madison earlier to discuss this and he said he would oppose it. With all the other Senators and Reps who said they would oppose, along with the PIPA/SOPA website caught copyright infringing material, these bills are quickly losing steam, and today was a big factor in helping that.
i'm starting to think that the only people in congress who support it don't know how to turn on a computer. or better yet they probably still search with yahoo or AOL

also i just wanna point out
(01-18-2012, 10:04 PM)Sol Wrote: Not to mention that the argument that "if you pirate a game copy the original file is still there so the business doesn't lose money" is kind of garbage. You are using their product for free, instead of purchasing it. That is where they lose money. "I wouldn't have bought the game anyway" Big fucking deal. Digital distributors like Steam deal ENTIRELY with downloads. The idea that people pay money for those downloads is their bread and butter.
i am a dangerous man in your store who punches you in the face and runs off with 30 DVDs under my arm. i'm probably going to sell these DVDs to fund my drug habit

Not only did you, the retailer, lose money on a potential purchase, you also just lost the goods you could have sold. you're actually losing money and losing potential sales. Also guess what? i get free drugs as well because i just profited off of your lost goods

and i'm probably a festering shitlord who doesnt give a shit about adam sandler, hes some washed up jew i only care about my next high

ok now i'm a tech-savvy asian man who walks into your store, minds my own business and uses my star-trek replicator to copy 30 DVDs, and walk out speaking to my watch in klingon. i'm probably gonna invite some aliens over and have a chuckle as adam sandler plays the exact same role again in ANOTHER film with adam sandler as the main star.
u sit there, bewildered by my hi-tech....

but what's this? your goods are still sitting on the shelf...
you can still sell your DVDs to your lesser technology-inclined customers (read: like everyone who isnt a tech savvy asian man) and you actually don't lose any money. just a potential sale

besides, what if that adam sandler movie in funny? maybe i will go out to the theater, sit down and watch adam sandler play the exact same role again in ANOTHER film with adam sandler as the main star. and maybe i will invite my friends to come along

whoa WHOA wait a second maybe I didnt spend money on that original product and yea im sorry that was really shitty of me but HERE I AM WATCHING GASSY UNCLE TOM, THIS NEW MOVIE STARRING ADAM SANDLER
and i paid money to see it!!! and i liked it!!!!
wow look @ that a SALE HAPPENED i guess im an ok guy after all (ur welcome fox searchlight pictures)

of course, there's the shittier type of pirate who copies things and sells them for profit. this is an example of a lowlife scumbag, but movie and record companies shouldn't compare us with that type of person in the first place and it's quite frustrating as we attempt to convince them otherwise

let's just say these highly opinionated things:
- most digital piracy is done by those who actually know what they're doing, and have some standard of ethics (which is bound to change over time)
- physically stealing a movie is two times worse than digitally copying it when you think about it
- most of the time, if a company maintains a good standard the nerdy pirate is going to invest in the company's product later on (e.g. nintendo. they don't make their profit on games as much as they do all the first party accessories you buy for it. lets see you pirate a wii remote smart guy)

p.s. i cant wait till SOPA passes and my life becomes so ENRICHED!!!!! everything on the internet blocked in the name of DEMOCRACY!!!!!!1111 keep me SAFE from the net!!!!!!!!!11 great idea kongress maybe next you can make wearing people wear badges that denote their religion legal because were all scared to death of muslim extremists and we as americans will feel much safer that way knowing my neighbor whos wearing a turban doesnt have a bomb in their. thx obamma god bless usa :0)
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
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shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!

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RE: Save the Internet: The SOPA/PIPA thread. - by Kosheh - 01-19-2012, 11:43 AM

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