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[Idea] shadowrun, or some cyberpunk equivalent
slight nazi-modding going on here but that's cool, people on the internet can be annoying I guess.. No need to be a cocksucker though.. Ninja
Don't. Just don't.

Anyways, I've been developing this game for a number of years, but it has gone through numerous revisions due to a number of factors involved with the creative process. One being learning more about software & implementing new ideas. And also computer crashes and losing several years of work.

The basic idea, as previously mentioned, is to make a game in the same vein as the Shadowrun games on SNES & Sega, with a few differences. Primarily that it won't be 'Shadowrun' because microsoft or FASA are really protective of that brand (which doesn't explain that last SR game....).

On Sega, the view was overhead like in many RPGs. The SNES version was Isometric. The versions that I've made have been side-scrolling, and similar to the older side-scrolling Legend of Zelda game for the NES.

Screens from an earlier version:
[Image: sc1.jpg]
^^^Map screen. I've already changed this, partially due to not wanting to use those particular graphics. But the concept is still there.. In the game you have to find another way to get around the city than walking, which is usually the monorail. I actually programmed that, still working on making other passengers board the train, loiter around the station, etc..

[Image: sc2.jpg]
In a way I want to make the combat turn-based, in a way I don't.. At any rate, the way it plays now, you have to pull the gun out of your jacket before firing. And also wandering Lone Star agents will arrest you for wandering around with a drawn weapon. I haven't programmed that yet, still trying to figure out the line of sight code in GML..

I also was debating about how to do the inventory system.. Again I'm still learning about programming & array tables, but it also crossed my mind to borrow another idea from the Zelda games & make the inventory items set, rather than being able to pick up lots of useless shit...

One big 'mistake' in the Genesis version of SR was that there was character classes.. In the P&P SR game, there was just a lot of skills.. and also getting implants, a datajack, etc would make it really difficult to learn about magic (and also increase damage taken from magic) due to diminished life essence. I wanted to do something similar to the 'perks' system in fallout.. just again, different. I don't have the knowledge of programming to parallel the infinity engine.

Oh yeah... concept music. Most of it is moody & atmospheric stuff but in certain instances, you really need something with a pulse.. like these tracks:

Much of this is subject to change.. Some of it already has. I'll try and get a demo of one of the most recent rendition of this later. That is all for now, I bid you a good day!

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[Game] See previous thread......... - by hellscion - 01-10-2012, 03:25 PM

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