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[GAME][FINISHED (but still worked on)] Final Columbus
I'm gonna go with a stream of consciousness trial of it.

Muting this immediately, I do not enjoy this sound.
Going to options... holding down left arrow to reduce volume to 0... I have to click it a hundred times to mute it? Ok, I'll just mute my computer.
Do these menus keep getting uglier?
Protagonist is named Mario... yeah, I'm just gonna check out on the story part, I want to see how the gameplay works. That's the important part of the game.
Pressing Z during the dialog seems to makes the text flash and reset it's movement speed.
I also can't seem to skip this cut-scene, obnoxious.
That's a Fire?!
Giant teethy money is "just an antlion, phew"?!
His name is Cain... how... *sigh* whatever
Oh hey, suddenly gameplay finally happens.
Ok... bullets are overlayed on top of the gun. Kinda sucky.
Yay, more meaningless exposition.
That fade was awful.
OH! Just what I wanted... more exposition.
Jumping... flickering exposition.
A purple floppy disk... oh, you're still talking, let me hammer Z until you shut up.
Hey a pan, maybe I'm in control no- no, still talking.
Oh god, I'm out of the ba... that was a truck?
A 'city'... I've built more realistic cities in minecraft. Hmm... the window IS open right over there...
I begin walking right, and that's not the right direction to go... FINE.
I walk left... and stop. Oh, this is a platform? Really? There's no contrast...
*goes to hit x button.... finds no x button*
*Delete Zip folder*


Fix your graphics, they are literally making this difficult to enjoy. Also, some user-friendliness would go a long way, like being able to skip cutscenes & mute things easily if we don't care for the sound. Overall, it seemed like you were trying to hard to make a game like Cave Story, and missed the mark pretty significantly.

Thanked by: Medevenx

Messages In This Thread
RE: [GAME][FINISHED (but still worked on)] Final Columbus - by Zee - 05-20-2011, 03:54 PM

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