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[GAME][FINISHED (but still worked on)] Final Columbus
[Image: pH9W3.png]
[Image: NPS5Z.png]

Just a little somethin' I whipped up quickly (about half an hour).

Notable Changes
  • Palettes. The original used 18 colors, whereas this uses 15. The reds were entirely unused and I added one new color for the skin, which is just a little something extra and isn't really necessary.
  • Use of pure black and white. This is usually a bad thing to do. You want to use slightly darker/lighter shades of white/black in order to make your work pop out.
  • Your colors look too much like MS Paint default colors. They aren't interesting to look at, and you haven't used any sort of hue shift, so the colors just sort of blend, rather than cooperate.
  • In a piece like this, dithering is completely unnecessary. You can make stuff like the dithered gun pop out more with properly placed shading.
  • I know I mentioned it already, but hue shift! It makes your colors look nicer and give the sprite more life overall.
  • Don't be afraid to attempt to conserve colors by using colors with similar hues to add blending. You'll notice that I used a few pixels of blue to outline and add detail to the green, rather than create another green shade.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with colors and shades, either. Mix around a few colors until you find stuff that blends! (Example: the small light blue shade in the gun)
  • If you are using MS Paint, when creating a new color/modifying an existing one, use the HSL (Hue-Saturation-Luminosity) controls, rather than RGB (Red Green Blue).

Messages In This Thread
RE: [GAME][FINISHED (but still worked on)] Final Columbus - by Alpha Six - 05-17-2011, 11:01 AM

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