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I'll start off with some background. I was born rich; I have a trust fund. I don't need to work, so I don't. All my life I have trained in boxing, since I have so much free time, so I'm pretty good at it. Also I developed a scat fetish around age 16 or 17.

So what I do is I join a boxing gym. I "train" for a little bit, and then the coach is surprised how good I'm getting, and I get a fight fairly quickly. I make sure that I eat a lot right before I fight. I usually eat chili or Indian food.

During my fight, I keep my hands abnormally high. This allows them to hit me in the stomach. After a few good shots, I'll shit in my shorts, right there. My opponent, my coach, the audience, they will all be in awe.

I pretend to be ashamed and I run away. Then I start the process at another gym in another city. I've done this seventeen times so far.

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RE: WARNING NEW MEMBERS READ THIS BEFORE POSTING - by Joseph Styling - 05-04-2011, 08:07 PM

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