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[Fangame][In development][No title yet]
Wait, whh.... you mean Sonic is not supposed to be purple???

Naw, that wasn't serious.
Anyway. What you had in that video seemed pretty seamless (despite style clashing and all that). My only real gripe was a white background instead of a black background, but that was likely just a placeholder anyway. Right?

Oh, and the way Mega Man breathed heavily all the time when standing still felt sort of exaggerated.

What are you making the game in, by the way? If you're making it in Game Maker, you should seriously consider posting about it in the GMC.

As for the style clashes, the big problem is medieval characters meeting Mega Man, who comes from 1XX years into the future. There's a minor problem with characters with head proportions different, but I think the stranqe and unclear time setting is the main problem. You could probably make a more appealing crossover if all characters were from games like Castlevania and Touhouvania. I'd say that the best idea would be to have a medieval setting with characters with near realistic proportions rather than to mix Mega Man and Sonic into the bunch.

By the way...
Quote:Unfortunately, this is not a crossover between Castlevania and Metroid... but it so should be.
I'm pretty sure you'd be able to blend characters like Samus and... Luke Skywalker [from Super Star Wars]... and other space heroes (sorry, I don't play games, I just make them, so I have no good name suggestions) into the game. Dracula getting revived by the Space Pirates in year 3684 to rain destruction over the entire galaxy, perhaps? And then the entire game is set in a gigantic gothic castle filled with high-tech stuff every here and there... for instance, those gigant armors from the RPG Castlevanias could be edited to look like giant robots, and there should be motorized elevators and stuff with lots of shiny gears and pipes in the background. Imagine! You could put Clock Tower-like levels pretty friggin' anywhere.

Just saying. You seriously should consider that.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: [Fangame][In development][No title yet] - by Yal - 04-28-2011, 01:55 AM

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