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Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name)
(03-06-2011, 11:32 AM)Sengir Wrote: So how exactly do you plan on programming this? Your posts indicate that you're not a programmer nor currently a pixel artist.

So please enlighten me, as from what I've read this appears to be a request for a team to make an entire game for you. And that's not how it works. In fact, "story writers" are hardly ever (read as "never") project leaders. They have very little to offer as a director, especially when the story writer is just fusing two existing stories together.

and erm... My Little Pony customizer? I fail to see how that relates to game development at all...
Listen here... It is NOT my fault my laptop broke. And you have to have someone to write the story line, do you not? I'm the one who thought of this series, and MLP
customiser was part of my story of why I can't, not don't, sprite. I miss spiriting, I can tell you that!!! Spriting was not a task, or a chore to me. It was fun. It was like a challange, a test of skills. I even had a sprite shop on a different site, of which, I
forgot the name of... So see? I would really like to make this, but I can't, not I won't.

And I was only a story writer because it was something for me to do in my temporary retirement. My break, in other words.
I like the following: Pokémon (Obviously), a little bit of Mew Mew Power, and also Spectrobes. I am currently making a Fan-made series of Pokémon mixed with Mew Mew Power, if you would like to help, or if you would like more details, please PM me. =D
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RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - by Keldeo - 03-06-2011, 11:43 AM

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