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[IDEA][UNPAID TEAM] Project Team Seeking Help
Just to give you an idea of how much time/effort is put into a game, look at Kaikimi's Project Frostfire. Kaikimi is one of the best programmers here and his project's taken multiple years. And he's using sprites, which are a lot easier/less time-consuming to program than 3D. You're looking at maybe 4-5 years minimum if you're indie team is constantly active and really productive. A lot of people I've seen use Minecraft as an example of "good game made quick", but they forget that Markus had access to nearly identical code in XNA and the fact that Minecraft's gameplay is very open.

I'm not trying to bring you down, just trying to let you know that making a game takes not only a lot of planning, but a lot of constant work Smile
Thanked by: Codestar, ThePortalGuru, Gwen

Messages In This Thread
RE: [IDEA][UNPAID TEAM] Project Team Seeking Help - by Sengir - 02-23-2011, 11:47 PM

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