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Things games should have, but don't
I'm just joking around. But seriously, the vast majority of the games coming out on the Wii are pretty bad. While a lot of Nintendo's first party stuff has been alright, recently it just hasn't interested me the way it did in the past to be perfectly honest. Don't try to say its nostalgia because I've gone back and played a lot of the older Nintendo games and I still like them. Their recent titles just haven't been doing it for me.

Still, I won't deny that I haven't seen much better come out for the 360 or PS3 in the past year or so either. Its just that for me personally I've had a lot more to look forward to on those systems. I mean forgive me if I find say Vanquish to be more interesting than the new Donkey Kong Country. Not saying there's anything wrong with anyone for liking Wii games in general more than PS3/360 games and that's great if you do enjoy them a lot. I just personally don't have much interest in any of the games I've been hearing about lately for the system and I've been a little dissapointed with the ones I did have interest in. While it wasn't the first game to bother me like that, Other M pretty much put the nail in the coffin for me on that.

Edit: Only the newest Halo really had a fair amount of female characters with the option to be male or female in multiplayer. There probably a 1 to 6 ratio of female marines to regular marines in the campaign as well. As for the rest of the games, Halo 3 did a copout by only giving an option to change the gender of your character's voice although the female voice actor certainly wasn't the best. Any other female in the series was always a signifcant character.
Thanked by: Kriven

Messages In This Thread
RE: Things games should have, but don't - by Gwen - 02-16-2011, 12:02 AM
RE: Things games should have, but don't - by Shadowth117 - 02-17-2011, 01:40 AM
RE: Things games should have, but don't - by Rai - 07-13-2012, 05:07 PM
RE: Things games should have, but don't - by Rai - 07-14-2012, 12:13 AM

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