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[IDEA][FANGAME] TMNT: Retro Rumble
More ideas! These are PRETTY MUCH all I can think of based on the stuff I know about Turtles stuff, although I did want to make boss ideas for Wingnut, Armmagon, Splinter and a Triceraton (I don't know any Triceraton by name). I just don't have incredible ideas for them yet. As you'll notice, I made these bosses very gimmicky in regard to the dual style fighting mechanics.

Leatherhead is a relatively cut and dry boss, his desperation move determined by the way the player is fighting him. His main attacks consist of tail swipes, biting, and throwing knives. If the player attacks mostly with weapons, he'll get a desperation move where he throws dynamite. If they attack mostly with fists, he'll occasionally pull out a shotgun for a damaging attack.

Rat King
The Rat King would first appear as a stage miniboss in his regular form, and later in the stage his future self would emerge from a time warp to fight the turtles again. The Rat King is weaker against weapon attacks, while the rats are prone to unarmed attacks.

Stage 1 - He first appears to do battle with the turtles RELATIVELY hand to hand,
Stage 2 - A time warp opens revealing the Rat King of the distant future, the immensely muscular guy you fight as a midboss in the SNES Tournament Fighters game. This form walks slower, but his attacks have relatively wide range and hit much harder as a result. Also he summons much larger rats which can be repelled with attacks.

Dirtbag and Groundchuck
Dirtbag and Groundchuck appear as minibosses at first riding a large drill machine armed with weapons. The way the drill is defeated determines which of them you fight later as the stage boss.

Groundchuck (Drill defeated by Weapons) - Groundchuck fights using the detached drill bit from the tank, charging at the turtles with it. Attacking him with weapons can break the drill bit and force him to fight hand to hand, making the fight slightly easier.
Dirtbag Drill defeated by Bare Hands) - Dirtbag fights using a wave-shooting laser detached from the tank. Fighting him bare handed can disarm him and force him to rely on his mining pick, making the fight slightly easier.

Super Krang
Similar to the Technodrome, Krang is a giant boss, but you only fight against his upper body.

Stage 1 - The giant android fights with his fists, laser eyes, shooting missiles out of his chest and breathing fire from his mouth. The goal is to damage the upper body enough for it to stumble backward, where you have to damage Krang himself for the brief amount of time you can.
Stage 2 - After being swallowed and forced through a subsection where the player has to fight "white blood cell" android copies, the player eventually fights Giant Krang, who is defending the core that keeps his body giant. Krang attacks with his tentacles as several guns around the room fire on the turtles, more minature android copies filing in every now and then.

Traag and Granitor
Traag and Granitor enter battle riding a tank, which has a variety of cannons on it while the two of them fire rockets and throw grenades at the turtles. After the tank phase is defeated, both of the generals eject and fight the turtles.

Traag - Fights using a rifle equipped with a grenade launcher. He is weak against weapon attacks, but if weakened that way he abandons the rifle halfway through in favor of a bazooka which does heavy splash damage.
Granitor - Fights using a rifle equiped with a flamethrower. He is weak against fist attacks, but if weakened that way he abandons the rifle halfway through in favor of a laser which does heavy piercing damage.

The Technodrome is not actually a boss, but rather an ongoing miniboss. Instead of going straight into the Technodrome stage, the Turtles have to fight the entire outside of the Technodrome, being forced to fight small miniboss fights against various pieces of the outside until they finally reach the eyeball at the top.

Chrome Dome and Metal Head
Within the Technodrome Chrome Dome and Metal Head will be visible in a machine waiting to be activated. The player will be able to attack the deactivated robots, but will be relentlessly attacked by the enemies around to prevent them from being destroyed. You can destroy one, both, or neither of them. Chrome Dome is weak against weapons, Metal Head weak against fists. Both fight in similar styles, (stretching arms and legs), but Chrome Dome is faster, Metal Head takes more damage

Chrome Dome - Weak against weapons, Chrome Dome will eventually lose his head if you attack him enough with weapons. His head begins to fly around and shook lasers around the room and his body can fire missles from the hole in his neck where his head was removed from.
Metal Head Weak against fists, the turtles will eventually rip off Metal Head's chest plate, revealing a laser like in Turtles in Time. He'll also gain the ability to shock the turtles at close range.

Karai starts out impersonating the Shredder. however, after knocking off her helmet and revealing her identity, she starts to fight a lot faster and a lot more aggressively. She'd likely be a miniboss or boss in a subsection of one of the final levels, and all her phases are fought in succession.

Stage 1 - She starts out dressed as the Shredder, wielding a nagita and attacking with a large amount of speed and range. There isn't much special about this form other than the fact it makes you think you're fighting the Shredder for a brief amount of time.
Stage 2 - After losing her Shredder armor, Karai loses her nagita and instead fights using high speed punches and kicks. She also attacks with projectile kunai, shuriken, and later blasts of ki as a desperation move. She also will use a much more powerful desperation move if you attack her too much with one fighting style. If the player does not switch styles enough and attacks too many times in a row with one style, she'll scream at the sky as a giant beam of energy shoots out of her mouth (similar to her bizarre super move from SNES Tournament Fighters). Numerous beams will then rain down on the players and at random to make it difficult to dodge.

Krang is later forced to fight in his normal sized Exosuit, but he's just as difficult to battle against.

Stage 1 - The Exosuit has a wide arsenal of attacks. He can fire his fists as rockets, tempoarily detach his lower half to rush across the screen and kick the turtles, fire lasers from his eyes and shocks the player when they stay too close too long.
Stage 2A (Defeated by Weapons) - Eventually the Exoskeleton's skin will melt off and resemble the Terminator. He becomes much faster, adds a grab attack where he hugs the turtles and shocks them hard, and can perform a wide electrifying attack.
Stage 2B (Defeated by Fists) - The Exoskeleton sprouts wings (like in Turtles in Time). He mostly flies high on the screen and stays out of range of all but air attacks, though he does fly down lower to charge the turtles (making attacking him when he's low a bit riskier). He uses laser attacks more frequently and can sweep the screen, flying by while firing a laser.
Stage 3 - After losing the suit, Krang flies into a floating bubble-like vehicle that has two gigantic hands. The hands mostly punch, but can also fire missles and defend Krang by cupping themselves over the bubble.

Shredder serves as the final boss of the game. He begins the battle fighting without his sword, and then partway through attacks with it. In both forms he can devolve the turtles with a fireball attack. Eventually the Shredder loses his sword, which is stabbed into the core of the Technodrome. As the Shredder grabs his sword, the Technodrome starts to collapse. Shredder's next and final form is determined by how the player defeats the Shredder's first form.

Super Shredder - When the Shredder grabs his sword, he is blasted with a massive amount of radiation before the Technodrome collapses. When the turtles try to escape the wreckage, he emerges as the giant, hulking Super Shredder. Despite his size, he is surprisingly fast. He attacks in standard ways, but has several energy attacks. He can pound the ground to make a massive explosion, he can hurl explosive fireballs across the screen, he can make massive slices across the screen with his claws, and he can jump high up off screen and rain down energy blasts. He also has a move where he shoots lightning into the sky and has it cut across the screen (like in TMNT3), but this time it cuts past several times, and this serves as he devolution attack. He can also teleport, and when weaker his teleporting leaves behinds harmful trails of fire.

Cyber Shredder - When the Shredder grabs his sword, he becomes partially magnetized and the debris starts to collide with him. When the turtles try to escape the wreckage, he emerges as the sleek, swift Cyber Shredder. Instead of being incredibly powerful like Super Shredder, he splits into five copies, only one of which is real. In this form he attacks using variations of the turtles' weapons (sword, sai, bo and nunchucks), as well as one unarmed copy. The copies can be destroyed, but as soon as the real Shredder is knocked down, he sucks up the copies and splits again, keeping the player guessing. Each form has a different special attack: The sword copy can send curved electric waves across the screen with his sword, the bo copy can make a massive eruption of earth under him by smashing the bo into the ground, the sai copy torpedoes across the screen in a gust of ice that freezes the turtles, the nunchuck copy creates a whirlwind around him that sucks up the turtles and damages them or distracts them enough to be damaged by other copies, and the unarmed copy frequently shoots devolving fireballs.
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Messages In This Thread
[IDEA][FANGAME] TMNT: Retro Rumble - by Kosheh - 12-12-2010, 12:26 AM
RE: [IDEA][FANGAME] TMNT: Retro Rumble - by TomGuycott - 01-25-2011, 05:13 PM

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