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[IDEA][FANGAME] TMNT: Retro Rumble
Slight revival of this thread because I think it's an excellent idea, and although I don't have much to contribute into the contributions of actually making the game (yet?), I have a plethora of suggestions for enemy behavior relating to the two styles of fighting mechanics. Now I know that this is a LOT, but these are just concepts to be picked at. Only the best should be included in a final product, but I need to say EVERYTHING on my mind or else my brain will explode. Also, since I don't know the story or level layout intended by Kosheh, some or most of these would be null and void. Most of these bosses have different patterns or forms depending on HOW you beat them (with weapons or with fists)

In the stage that features Rocksteady, there needs to be segments where an enemy in an armored jeep with a mounted machine gun or gatling gun (far more badass) drives by and tries to shoot up the turtles. This is important for later.

Stage 1 - Rocksteady is dropped off in the armored jeep and fights using a rifle. He can also charge, but does so relatively sparingly.
Stage 2A (Damaged by Weapons) - Rocksteady leaps onto the jeep and pulls the mounted gun off. He now fires a lot faster and a lot more frequently in large spreads, forcing the player to dodge appropriately.
Stage 2B (Damaged by Bare Hands) - Rocksteady loses/abandons his rifle and gets mad, resorting to hard charging attacks. The jeep rolls in to provide occasional ranged support for him.

Whereas Rocksteady features a reliance on ranged attacks, Bebop starts out with a heavy focus on melee.

Stage 1 - Bebop starts out fighting with a large crowbar. He also lifts up heavy objects (rocks, trash cans, manhole covers) and hurls them from long range.
Stage 2A (Damaged by Weapons) - Bebop arms himself with a heavy ball on a chain for more damaging attacks. Whether he holds it or he spins it on his head like in TMNT III on the NES, I don't know.
Stage 2B (Damaged by Bare Hands) - Bebop keeps the crowbar, but gets the ability to throw grenades which have a large damage radius.

Bebop and Rocksteady Battle:
Either at the end of the stage where they appear as above as minibosses, or in a stage AFTER the stages they appear as bosses, they would feature a tag-team battle. They'd either fight in their standard forms, or they'd retain the form they ended with when you beat them, OR they'd use the form they DIDN'T use when you beat them.. god, this is complex.

Slash battles in two ways: with his sword, or with his fist-mounted claws. If you attack him with a weapon when he has his sword out or attack him with your fists when he has his fists out, he will block and counter you. However, if you use the opposite of what he uses, you can land some hits in, albeit between his aggressive attacks. A few seconds after you land some damage, he will switch to the other phase, and sometimes he'll just switch on a whim.

Tokka and Rahzar:
Unlike Bebop and Rocksteady, Tokka and Rahzar only appear as a tag team battle. Tokka is weak against weapon attacks, and Rahzar is weak against unarmed attacks. Other than that, I haven't thought up any decent ideas for attack patterns.

Baxter Stockman:
In terms of character design, I don't know whether to make Baxter the snively white guy from the 80's cartoon or the black guy from the comics and more modern cartoons, but regardless he'd be a multiple-stage boss.

Stage 1 - Appears first in either a robot (big mouser?) or some kind of big machine. Makes sense for him to deploy Mousers. If you defeat him with a weapon, the blow is fatal, and he explodes in his machine. If you defeat him with bare hand style, he'll eject from his machine. This stage would either be a mini-boss fight, or the end of one stage while the next would be the miniboss or end of a future stage.
Stage 2A (Defeated by Weapons) - The remains of Baxter appear at the end of the stage in a powerful robot body that is resistant to weapon attacks, but the bare hand fighting can knock him back and make him be damaged by the environment (exposed electric things, etc).
Stage 2B (Defeated by Bare Hands) - Baxter is confronted again, but an (accidental?) burst of radiation or ooze or SOMETHING mutates him into his fly form from the 80's cartoon. Attacks he uses could include an electrified fly swatter or some energy based guns. What would be really cool is if he tore off the upper body of a laser-spitting Mouser and made it into an arm cannon. 8D

More ideas to come tomorrow, particularly Krang, Giant Krang, Karai and Shredder, among any others I can think up.
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Messages In This Thread
[IDEA][FANGAME] TMNT: Retro Rumble - by Kosheh - 12-12-2010, 12:26 AM
RE: [IDEA][FANGAME] TMNT: Retro Rumble - by TomGuycott - 01-24-2011, 02:23 AM

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