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[IDEA][FANGAME] Touhou: Highly Responsive to Prayers (Remade)

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to play the first Touhou game ever made: Highly Responsive to Prayers. Being a Touhou fan, I found it really unique. From the second game onward, it evolved into the bullet hell danmaku shooter that we all know and love. But I thought to myself, "This game really needs a remake!" Seriously, it may be primitive-looking, but it is frustrating and fun!

-The same as the original. An unknown force has destroyed the Hakurei Shrine. The resident Shrine Maiden, Reimu Hakurei, goes to find and punish the culprit.

Gameplay? Again, same as the original. You control the shrine maiden, Reimu Hakurei. The goal is to clear all the cards on the screen with the Yin-Yang orb. Hitting it with your gohei, shooting at it and slide kicking it are the various ways to do this. Watch out, though! Your only weapon can backfire! If the Yin-Yang orb hits you instead, it can hurt! Defeat enemy bosses by smacking the orb into them until they are down.

(After defeating the first boss, you will have a choice on whether to continue to the worlds of Makai or Jigoku, both of which have different bosses, level styles and endings.)

What Will Set it Apart?
-Actual DIALOGUE, which the original lacked.
-Upgrades for the Yin-yang orb that you can pick up from cleared cards
-A new boss for both paths and a new EX-boss depending on which area you cleared in the main game

Don't Know what HRtP is?
Just check this video.
[Image: H4KAm.gif]
Yup. I'm a Touhou fan.
Thanked by: Maxpphire

Messages In This Thread
[IDEA][FANGAME] Touhou: Highly Responsive to Prayers (Remade) - by RokuGurin - 01-21-2011, 01:03 PM

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