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[MATH] Method to reduce both sides of an equation?
I'll toy with that tonight (haven't slept yet, shit i'm screwed tonight).
The thing I'm looking for, the whole point of this post really, is how to get Aop(K)=Bop(3b/2)-Cop(d/3) where Bop() and Cop() may be the same operation or different as long as they're the same for every set and still yield Aop(K) so that Aop(Kmid)/Aop(Kmax)=Kmid/Kmax; in other words, what I want isn't the operation to reduce K to the set {1,...,50} but rather to find the operation(s) that I can make to 3b/2 and d/3 individually to yield that result.

Bedtime. 4 hours ain't enough.

Edit: Modulo wouldn't work anyway, I just remembered. 20 mod 50 = 70 mod 50 and if 70 was the largest value, then 20/70 != 70/70 and wouldn't work, I didn't really need to add that last bit of explanation because once I pointed out 20-70 it was all over. I will add though that in my operation I'm striving for, 20 could equal 30, for example, but ideally no more than a differential of 10, ideally 8 or less.
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RE: [MATH] Method to reduce both sides of an equation? - by TheouAegis - 01-19-2011, 07:25 PM

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